The PositionAmountData component block is used to report netted amounts associated with position quantities. In the listed derivatives market the amount is generally expressing a type of futures variation or option premium. In the equities market this may be the net pay or collect on a given position.
 | Repeating Group 753 | NoPosAmt | | | Number of Position Amount entries | Added FIX.4.4
 | 707 | PosAmtType | Typ | | | Added FIX.4.4
 | 708 | PosAmt | Amt | | | Added FIX.4.4
 | 2096 | PosAmtStreamDesc | StrmDesc | | Used when the PosAmt(708) value corresponds to a specific stream in of a swap. | Added EP162
 | 1055 | PositionCurrency | Ccy | | | Added EP-1
 | 2937 | PositionCurrencyCodeSource | CcySrc | | | Added EP273
 | 2097 | PositionFXRate | FxRt | | | Added EP162
 | 2098 | PositionFXRateCalc | FxRtCalc | | | Added EP162
 | 1585 | PosAmtReason | Rsn | | | Added EP107
 | 2099 | PosAmtMarketSegmentID | MktSegID | | | Added EP162
 | 2100 | PosAmtMarketID | MktID | | | Added EP162
 | 2876 | PosAmtPrice | Px | | | Added EP254
 | 2877 | PosAmtPriceType | PxTyp | | | Added EP254