FIX.Latest_EP292 Component



The TriggeringInstruction component block specifies the conditions under which an order will be triggered by related market events as well as the behavior of the order in the market once it is triggered.

Pedigree Added EP-1

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Field or ComponentField NameAbbr NameReq'dCommentsPedigree
1100TriggerTypeTrgrTyp Required if any other Triggering tags are specified.Added EP-1
1101TriggerActionTrgrActn Added EP-1
1628TriggerScopeTrgrScope Conditionally required when TriggerAction(1101)=3 (Cancel).Added EP100
1102TriggerPriceTrgrPx Only relevant and required for TriggerAction = 1Added EP-1
1103TriggerSymbolTrgrSym Only relevant and required for TriggerAction = 1Added EP-1
1104TriggerSecurityIDTrgrSecID Requires TriggerSecurityIDSource if specified. Only relevant and required for TriggerAction = 1Added EP-1
1105TriggerSecurityIDSourceTrgrSecIDSrc Requires TriggerSecurityIDSource if specified. Only relevant and required for TriggerAction = 1Added EP-1
1106TriggerSecurityDescTrgrSecDesc Added EP-1
1107TriggerPriceTypeTrgrPxTyp Only relevant for TriggerAction = 1Added EP-1
1108TriggerPriceTypeScopeTrgrPxTypScp Only relevant for TriggerAction = 1Added EP-1
1109TriggerPriceDirectionTrgrPxDir Only relevant for TriggerAction = 1Added EP-1
1110TriggerNewPriceTrgrNewPx Should be specified if the order changes Price.Added EP-1
1111TriggerOrderTypeTrgrOrdTyp Should be specified if the order changes type.Added EP-1
1112TriggerNewQtyTrgrNewQty Required if the order should change quantityAdded EP-1
1113TriggerTradingSessionIDTrgrTrdSessID Only relevant and required for TriggerType = 2.Added EP-1
1114TriggerTradingSessionSubIDTrgrTrdSessSubID Requires TriggerTradingSessionID if specified. Relevant for TriggerType = 2 only.Added EP-1

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