This repeating group is used to identify individual executions or trades, including key fields such as quantity and price of the execution or trade, that are part of the allocation.
 | Repeating Group 124 | NoExecs | | | Indicates number of individual execution or trade entries. Absence indicates that no individual execution or trade entries are included. Primarily used to support step-outs. | Added FIX.4.4
Updated EP118
 | 32 | LastQty | LastQty | | Amount of quantity (e.g. number of shares) in individual execution. Required if NoExecs > 0 | Added FIX.4.4
 | 17 | ExecID | ExecID | | | Added FIX.4.4
 | 527 | SecondaryExecID | ExecID2 | | | Added FIX.4.4
 | 31 | LastPx | LastPx | | Price of individual execution. Required if NoExecs > 0. For FX, if specified, expressed in terms of Currency(15). | Added FIX.4.4
Updated EP82
 | 669 | LastParPx | LastParPx | | Last price expressed in percent-of-par. Conditionally required for Fixed Income trades when LastPx is expressed in Yield, Spread, Discount or any other price type | Added FIX.4.4
 | 29 | LastCapacity | LastCpcty | | Used to identify whether the trade was executed on an agency or principal basis. | Added FIX.4.4
 | 1003 | TradeID | TrdID | | | Added EP-1
 | 1041 | FirmTradeID | FirmTrdID | | | Added EP-1
 | 880 | TrdMatchID | MtchID | | Used to identify the match event resulting in the execution or trade. | Added EP279
 | 2749 | ExecutionTimestamp | ExecTS | | | Added EP237
 | 2524 | TradeReportingIndicator | TrdRptngInd | | | Added EP237