| Component(-) | NstdPtys3SubGrp | Sub | | Repeating group of Nested3Party sub-identifiers. | Added FIX.4.4
 | 80 | AllocQty | Qty | | | Added FIX.4.4
 | 1752 | CustodialLotID | CstdlLotID | | Only used for specific lot trades. | Added EP127
 | 1753 | VersusPurchaseDate | VSPDt | | Only used for specific lot trades. If this field is used, either VersusPurchasePrice(1754) or CurrentCostBasis(1755) should be specified. | Added EP127
 | 1754 | VersusPurchasePrice | VSPPx | | Only used for specific lot trades. If this field is used, VersusPurchaseDate(1753) should be specified. | Added EP127
 | 1755 | CurrentCostBasis | CurCostBasis | | Only used for specific lot trades. If this field is used, VersusPurchaseDate(1753) should be specified | Added EP127