| 38 | OrderQty | Qty | | One of CashOrderQty, OrderQty, or (for CIV only) OrderPercent is required. Note that unless otherwise specified, only one of CashOrderQty, OrderQty, or OrderPercent should be specified. | Added FIX.4.3
 | 152 | CashOrderQty | Cash | | One of CashOrderQty, OrderQty, or (for CIV only) OrderPercent is required. Note that unless otherwise specified, only one of CashOrderQty, OrderQty, or OrderPercent should be specified. Specifies the approximate monetary quantity for the order. Broker is responsible for converting and calculating OrderQty in tradeable units (e.g. shares) for subsequent messages. | Added FIX.4.3
 | 516 | OrderPercent | Pct | | For CIV - Optional. One of CashOrderQty, OrderQty or (for CIV only) OrderPercent is required. Note that unless otherwise specified, only one of CashOrderQty, OrderQty, or OrderPercent should be specified. | Added FIX.4.3
 | 468 | RoundingDirection | RndDir | | For CIV - Optional | Added FIX.4.3
 | 469 | RoundingModulus | RndMod | | For CIV - Optional | Added FIX.4.3