| Component(-) | NstdPtys2SubGrp | Sub | | Repeating group of Nested2Party sub-identifiers. | Added FIX.4.4
 | 673 | LegAllocQty | AllocQty | | | Added FIX.4.4
 | 674 | LegAllocAcctIDSource | AllocAcctIDSrc | | | Added FIX.4.4
 | 1367 | LegAllocSettlCurrency | AllocSettlCcy | | | Added EP-1
 | 2928 | LegAllocSettlCurrencyCodeSource | AllocSettlCcySrc | | | Added EP273
 | 1756 | LegCustodialLotID | CstdlLotID | | Only used for specific lot trades. | Added EP127
 | 1757 | LegVersusPurchaseDate | VSPDt | | Only used for specific lot trades. If this field is used, either LegVersusPurchasePrice(1758) or LegCurrentCostBasis(1759) should be specified. | Added EP127
 | 1758 | LegVersusPurchasePrice | VSPPx | | Only used for specific lot trades. If this field is used, LegVersusPurchaseDate(1757) should be specified. | Added EP127
 | 1759 | LegCurrentCostBasis | CurCostBasis | | Only used for specific lot trades. If this field is used, LegVersusPurchaseDate(1757) should be specified | Added EP127
 | 1817 | LegClearingAccountType | ClrAcctTyp | | Provide if different from the value specified for the overall multileg security in ClearingAccountType(1816) in the Instrument component. | Added EP131
 | 564 | LegPositionEffect | PosEfct | | Provide if different from the value specified for the overall multileg security in PositionEffect(77) in the Instrument component. | Added EP131
 | 565 | LegCoveredOrUncovered | Cover | | Provide if different from the value specified for the overall multileg security in CoveredOrUncovered(203) in the Instrument component. | Added EP131
Used in components: