TestStepGrp is a repeating group used to provide information regarding the steps of a test case/scenario for a testing system.
| 3037 | TestStepID | ID | | Required if NoTestSteps(3036)>0. | Added EP292
| 3038 | TestStepDesc | Desc | | | Added EP292
| 3039 | TestStepStartTime | StartTm | | Use for an absolute starting time. Mutually exclusive with TestStepStartOffsetUnit(3041) and TestStepStartOffsetPeriod(3040). | Added EP292
| 3040 | TestStepStartOffsetPeriod | StartOfstPeriod | | Use for a starting time relative to the overall starting time defined by TestScenarioStartTime(3031). Required when TestStepStartOffsetUnit(3041) is specified. | Added EP292
| 3041 | TestStepStartOffsetUnit | StartOfstUnit | | Use for a starting time relative to the overall starting time defined by TestScenarioStartTime(3031). Required when TestStepStartOffsetPeriod(3040) is specified. | Added EP292
| 3042 | TestStepEndTime | EndTm | | Use for an absolute ending time. Mutually exclusive with TestStepEndOffsetUnit(3044) and TestStepEndOffsetPeriod(3043). | Added EP292
| 3043 | TestStepEndOffsetPeriod | EndOfstPeriod | | Use for an ending time relative to the starting time of the scenario. Required when TestStepEndOffsetUnit(3044) is specified. | Added EP292
| 3044 | TestStepEndOffsetUnit | EndOfstUnit | | Use for an ending time relative to the starting time of the scenario. Required when TestStepEndOffsetPeriod(3043) is specified. | Added EP292