FIX.Latest_EP293 Component



The ProvisionCashSettlValueDates component is a subcomponent within the ProvisionGrp component used to report the cash settlement value date and time defined in the provision.

Pedigree Added EP161

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Field or ComponentField NameAbbr NameReq'dCommentsPedigree
40114ProvisionCashSettlValueTimeTm Added EP161
40115ProvisionCashSettlValueTimeBusinessCenterTmBizCtr Added EP161
40116ProvisionCashSettlValueDateBusinessDayConventionBizDayCnvtn When specified, this overrides the business day convention defined in the DateAdjustment component in Instrument. The specified value would be specific to this instance of the provisional cash settlement value date.Added EP161
ComponentProvisionCashSettlValueDateBusinessCenterGrpBizCtr When specified, this overrides the business centers defined in the DateAdjustment component in Instrument. The specified values would be specific to this instance of the provisional cash settlement value date.Added EP161
40118ProvisionCashSettlValueDateRelativeToReltv Added EP161
40119ProvisionCashSettlValueDateOffsetPeriodOfstPeriod Conditionally required when ProvisionCashSettlValueDateOffsetUnit(40120) is specified.Added EP161
40120ProvisionCashSettlValueDateOffsetUnitOfstUnit Conditionally required when ProvisionCashSettlValueDateOffsetPeriod(40119) is specified.Added EP161
40121ProvisionCashSettlValueDateOffsetDayTypeOfstDayTyp Added EP161
40122ProvisionCashSettlValueDateAdjustedDt Added EP161

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