FIX.Latest_EP293 Component



The LegPricingDateTime component is a subcomponent of InstrumentLeg used to specify an adjusted or unadjusted pricing or fixing date and optionally the time, e.g. for a commodity or FX forward trade.

Pedigree Added EP169 Updated EP208

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Field or ComponentField NameAbbr NameReq'dCommentsPedigree
41609LegPricingDateUnadjustedDtUnadj Added EP169
41610LegPricingDateBusinessDayConventionBizDayCnvtn When specified, this overrides the business day convention defined in the LegDateAdjustment component in InstrumentLeg. The specified value would be specific to the pricing dates.Added EP169
ComponentLegPricingDateBusinessCenterGrpBizCtr When specified, this overrides the business centers defined in the LegDateAdjustment component in InstrumentLeg. The specified values would be specific to the pricing dates.Added EP169
41611LegPricingDateAdjustedDt Added EP169
41612LegPricingTimeTm Added EP169
41613LegPricingTimeBusinessCenterTmBizCtr Added EP169

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