| Component(-) | UnderlyingOptionExerciseExpirationDateBusinessCenterGrp | BizCtr | | When specified, this overrides the business centers defined in the UnderlyingDateAdjustment component in UnderlyingInstrument. The specified values would be specific to the underlying option exercise expiration dates. | Added EP169
 | 41847 | UnderlyingOptionExerciseExpirationDateRelativeTo | Reltv | | | Added EP169
 | 41848 | UnderlyingOptionExerciseExpirationDateOffsetPeriod | OfstPeriod | | Conditionally required when UnderlyingOptionExerciseExpirationDateOffsetUnit(41849) is specified. | Added EP169
 | 41849 | UnderlyingOptionExerciseExpirationDateOffsetUnit | OfstUnit | | Conditionally required when UnderlyingOptionExerciseExpirationDateOffsetPeriod(41848) is specified. | Added EP169
 | 41850 | UnderlyingOptionExerciseExpirationFrequencyPeriod | FreqPeriod | | Conditionally required when UnderlyingOptionExerciseExpirationFrequencyUnit(41851) is specified. | Added EP169
 | 41851 | UnderlyingOptionExerciseExpirationFrequencyUnit | FreqUnit | | Conditionally required when UnderlyingOptionExerciseExpirationFrequencyPeriod(41850) is specified. | Added EP169
 | 41852 | UnderlyingOptionExerciseExpirationRollConvention | Roll | | When specified, this overrides the date roll convention defined in the UnderlyingDateAdjustment component in UnderlyingInstrument. The specified values would be specific to this instance of the option exercise dates. | Added EP169
 | 41853 | UnderlyingOptionExerciseExpirationDateOffsetDayType | OfstDayTyp | | | Added EP169
 | 41854 | UnderlyingOptionExerciseExpirationTime | Tm | | | Added EP169
 | 41855 | UnderlyingOptionExerciseExpirationTimeBusinessCenter | TmBizCtr | | | Added EP169