| 41341 | UnderlyingAdditionalTermBondSecurityID | ID | | Required if NoUnderlyingAdditionalTermBondRefs(41340) > 0. | Added EP187
 | 41701 | UnderlyingAdditionalTermBondSecurityIDSource | Src | | Conditionally required when UnderlyingAdditionalTermBondSecurityID(41341) is specified. | Added EP187
 | 41709 | UnderlyingAdditionalTermBondDesc | Desc | | | Added EP187
 | 41710 | EncodedUnderlyingAdditionalTermBondDescLen | EncDescLen | | Must be set if EncodedUnderlyingAdditionalTermBondDesc(41709) field is specified and must immediately precede it. | Added EP187
 | 41711 | EncodedUnderlyingAdditionalTermBondDesc | EncDesc | | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the UnderlyingAdditionalTermBondDesc(41709) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field. | Added EP187
 | 41712 | UnderlyingAdditionalTermBondCurrency | Ccy | | | Added EP187
 | 42017 | UnderlyingAdditionalTermBondIssuer | Issr | | | Added EP187
 | 42025 | EncodedUnderlyingAdditionalTermBondIssuerLen | EncIssrLen | | Must be set if EncodedUnderlyingAdditionalTermBondIssuer(42017) field is specified and must immediately precede it. | Added EP187
 | 42026 | EncodedUnderlyingAdditionalTermBondIssuer | EncIssr | | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the UnderlyingAdditionalTermBondIssuer(42017) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field. | Added EP187
 | 42027 | UnderlyingAdditionalTermBondSeniority | Snrty | | | Added EP187
 | 42028 | UnderlyingAdditionalTermBondCouponType | CpnTyp | | | Added EP187
 | 42029 | UnderlyingAdditionalTermBondCouponRate | CpnRt | | | Added EP187
 | 42030 | UnderlyingAdditionalTermBondMaturityDate | MatDt | | | Added EP187
 | 42031 | UnderlyingAdditionalTermBondParValue | Par | | | Added EP187
 | 42032 | UnderlyingAdditionalTermBondCurrentTotalIssuedAmount | CurTotAmt | | | Added EP187
 | 42033 | UnderlyingAdditionalTermBondCouponFrequencyPeriod | CpnPeriod | | Conditionally required when UnderlyingAdditionalTermBondCouponFrequencyUnit(42034) is specified. | Added EP187
 | 42034 | UnderlyingAdditionalTermBondCouponFrequencyUnit | CpnUnit | | Conditionally required when UnderlyingAdditionalTermBondCouponFrequencyPeriod(42033) is specified. | Added EP187
 | 42035 | UnderlyingAdditionalTermBondDayCount | DayCnt | | | Added EP187