| Component(-) | LegPaymentStreamCompoundingDatesBusinessCenterGrp | BizCtr | | When specified, this overrides the business centers defined in the LegDateAdjustment component in InstrumentLeg. The specified values would be specific to payment stream compounding dates. | Added EP208
 | 42409 | LegPaymentStreamCompoundingDatesRelativeTo | Reltv | | | Added EP208
 | 42410 | LegPaymentStreamCompoundingDatesOffsetPeriod | OfstPeriod | | Conditionally required when LegPaymentStreamCompoundingDatesOffsetUnit(42411) is specified. | Added EP208
 | 42411 | LegPaymentStreamCompoundingDatesOffsetUnit | OfstUnit | | Conditionally required when LegPaymentStreamCompoundingDatesOffsetPeriod(42410) is specified. | Added EP208
 | 42412 | LegPaymentStreamCompoundingDatesOffsetDayType | OfstDayTyp | | | Added EP208
 | 42413 | LegPaymentStreamCompoundingPeriodSkip | Skip | | | Added EP208
 | 42414 | LegPaymentStreamCompoundingFrequencyPeriod | FreqPeriod | | Conditionally required when LegPayamentStreamCompoundingFrequencyUnit(42415) is specified. | Added EP208
 | 42415 | LegPaymentStreamCompoundingFrequencyUnit | FreqUnit | | Conditionally required when LegPayamentStreamCompoundingFrequencyPeriod(42414) is specified. | Added EP208
 | 42416 | LegPaymentStreamCompoundingRollConvention | Roll | | When specified, this overrides the date roll convention defined in the LegDateAdjustment component in InstrumentLeg. The specified value would be specific to this instance of payment stream compounding dates. | Added EP208
 | 42417 | LegPaymentStreamBoundsFirstDateUnadjusted | FirstDtUnadj | | | Added EP208
 | 42418 | LegPaymentStreamBoundsLastDateUnadjusted | LastDtUnadj | | | Added EP208