| Component(-) | UnderlyingPaymentStubStartDateBusinessCenterGrp | BizCtr | | When specified, this overrides the business centers defined in the UnderlyingDateAdjustment component in UnderlyingInstrument. The specified values would be specific to this payment stub instance. | Added EP208
 | 42995 | UnderlyingPaymentStubStartDateRelativeTo | Reltv | | | Added EP208
 | 42996 | UnderlyingPaymentStubStartDateOffsetPeriod | OfstPeriod | | Conditionally required when UnderlyingPaymentStubStartDateOffsetUnit(42997) is specified. | Added EP208
 | 42997 | UnderlyingPaymentStubStartDateOffsetUnit | OfstUnit | | Conditionally required when UnderlyingPaymentStubStartDateOffsetPeriod(42996) is specified. | Added EP208
 | 42998 | UnderlyingPaymentStubStartDateOffsetDayType | OfstDayTyp | | | Added EP208
 | 42999 | UnderlyingPaymentStubStartDateAdjusted | Dt | | | Added EP208