FIX.Latest_EP292 Component



UnderlyingReturnRateFXConversionGrp is a repeating subcomponent within the UnderlyingReturnRateGrp component. It is used to specify the FX conversion rates for an equity return swap payment stream.

Pedigree Added EP208

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Field or ComponentField NameAbbr NameReq'dCommentsPedigree
Repeating Group 43030NoUnderlyingReturnRateFXConversions Added EP208
43031UnderlyingReturnRateFXCurrencySymbolCcySym Required if NoUnderlyingReturnRateFXConversions(43030) > 0.Added EP208
43032UnderlyingReturnRateFXRateFxRt Required if NoUnderlyingReturnRateFXConversions(43030) > 0.Added EP208
43033UnderlyingReturnRateFXRateCalcFxRtCalc Added EP208
end Repeating Group

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