This message is used to request a retransmission of a set of one or more messages generated by the application specified in RefApplID (1355).
Expand Components | Collapse Components
Field or Component | Field Name | FIXML name | Req'd | Comments | Depr. |
Component(-) | StandardHeader | BaseHeader |
MsgType = BW |
8 | BeginString |
FIXT.1.1 (Always unencrypted, must be first field in message) | ||||
9 | BodyLength |
(Always unencrypted, must be second field in message) | ||||
35 | MsgType | @MsgTyp |
(Always unencrypted, must be third field in message) | |||
1128 | ApplVerID | @ApplVerID |
Indicates application version using a service pack identifier. The ApplVerID applies to a specific message occurrence. | |||
1156 | ApplExtID | |||||
1129 | CstmApplVerID |
Used to support bilaterally agreed custom functionality | ||||
49 | SenderCompID | @SID |
(Always unencrypted) | |||
56 | TargetCompID | @TID |
(Always unencrypted) | |||
115 | OnBehalfOfCompID | @OBID |
Trading partner company ID used when sending messages via a third party (Can be embedded within encrypted data section.) | |||
128 | DeliverToCompID | @D2ID |
Trading partner company ID used when sending messages via a third party (Can be embedded within encrypted data section.) | |||
90 | SecureDataLen |
Required to identify length of encrypted section of message. (Always unencrypted) | ||||
91 | SecureData |
Required when message body is encrypted. Always immediately follows SecureDataLen field. | ||||
34 | MsgSeqNum | @SeqNum |
(Can be embedded within encrypted data section.) | |||
50 | SenderSubID | @SSub |
(Can be embedded within encrypted data section.) | |||
142 | SenderLocationID | @SLoc |
Sender's LocationID (i.e. geographic location and/or desk) (Can be embedded within encrypted data section.) | |||
57 | TargetSubID | @TSub |
"ADMIN" reserved for administrative messages not intended for a specific user. (Can be embedded within encrypted data section.) | |||
143 | TargetLocationID | @TLoc |
Trading partner LocationID (i.e. geographic location and/or desk) (Can be embedded within encrypted data section.) | |||
116 | OnBehalfOfSubID | @OBSub |
Trading partner SubID used when delivering messages via a third party. (Can be embedded within encrypted data section.) | |||
144 | OnBehalfOfLocationID | @OBLoc |
Trading partner LocationID (i.e. geographic location and/or desk) used when delivering messages via a third party. (Can be embedded within encrypted data section.) | |||
129 | DeliverToSubID | @D2Sub |
Trading partner SubID used when delivering messages via a third party. (Can be embedded within encrypted data section.) | |||
145 | DeliverToLocationID | @D2Loc |
Trading partner LocationID (i.e. geographic location and/or desk) used when delivering messages via a third party. (Can be embedded within encrypted data section.) | |||
43 | PossDupFlag | @PosDup |
Always required for retransmitted messages, whether prompted by the sending system or as the result of a resend request. (Can be embedded within encrypted data section.) | |||
97 | PossResend | @PosRsnd |
Required when message may be duplicate of another message sent under a different sequence number. (Can be embedded within encrypted data section.) | |||
52 | SendingTime | @Snt |
(Can be embedded within encrypted data section.) | |||
122 | OrigSendingTime | @OrigSnt |
Required for message resent as a result of a ResendRequest. If data is not available set to same value as SendingTime (Can be embedded within encrypted data section.) | |||
212 | XmlDataLen |
Required when specifying XmlData to identify the length of a XmlData message block. (Can be embedded within encrypted data section.) | ||||
213 | XmlData |
Can contain a XML formatted message block (e.g. FIXML). Always immediately follows XmlDataLen field. (Can be embedded within encrypted data section.) See Volume 1: FIXML Support | ||||
347 | MessageEncoding | @MsgEncd |
Type of message encoding (non-ASCII characters) used in a message's "Encoded" fields. Required if any "Encoding" fields are used. | |||
369 | LastMsgSeqNumProcessed |
The last MsgSeqNum value received by the FIX engine and processed by downstream application, such as trading system or order routing system. Can be specified on every message sent. Useful for detecting a backlog with a counterparty. |
Component(-) | HopGrp | Hop |
Number of repeating groups of historical "hop" information. Only applicable if OnBehalfOfCompID is used, however, its use is optional. Note that some market regulations or counterparties may require tracking of message hops. |
Repeating Group 627 | NoHops |
628 | HopCompID | @ID | ||||
629 | HopSendingTime | @Snt | ||||
630 | HopRefID | @Ref |
end Repeating Group |
end Component |
end Component |
1346 | ApplReqID | @ApplReqID |
Unique identifier for request | |||
1347 | ApplReqType | @ApplReqTyp |
Type of Application Message Request being made |
Component(-) | ApplIDRequestGrp | ApplIDReqGrp |
Repeating Group 1351 | NoApplIDs |
Specifies number of application id occurrences |
1355 | RefApplID | @RefApplID | ||||
1433 | RefApplReqID | @RefID | ||||
1182 | ApplBegSeqNum | @ApplBegSeqNum |
Message sequence number of first message in range to be resent | |||
1183 | ApplEndSeqNum | @ApplEndSeq |
Message sequence number of last message in range to be resent. If request is for a single message ApplBeginSeqNo = ApplEndSeqNo. If request is for all messages subsequent to a particular message, ApplEndSeqNo = "0" (representing infinity). |
Component(-) | NestedParties | Pty |
Repeating Group 539 | NoNestedPartyIDs |
Repeating group below should contain unique combinations of NestedPartyID, NestedPartyIDSource, and NestedPartyRole |
524 | NestedPartyID | @ID |
Used to identify source of NestedPartyID. Required if NestedPartyIDSource is specified. Required if NoNestedPartyIDs > 0. | |||
525 | NestedPartyIDSource | @Src |
Used to identify class source of NestedPartyID value (e.g. BIC). Required if NestedPartyID is specified. Required if NoNestedPartyIDs > 0. | |||
538 | NestedPartyRole | @R |
Identifies the type of NestedPartyID (e.g. Executing Broker). Required if NoNestedPartyIDs > 0. |
Component(-) | NstdPtysSubGrp | Sub |
Repeating group of NestedParty sub-identifiers. |
Repeating Group 804 | NoNestedPartySubIDs |
545 | NestedPartySubID | @ID | ||||
805 | NestedPartySubIDType | @Typ |
end Repeating Group |
end Component |
end Repeating Group |
end Component |
end Repeating Group |
end Component |
Component(-) | Parties | Pty |
Repeating Group 453 | NoPartyIDs |
Repeating group below should contain unique combinations of PartyID, PartyIDSource, and PartyRole |
448 | PartyID | @ID |
Used to identify source of PartyID. Required if PartyIDSource is specified. Required if NoPartyIDs > 0. | |||
447 | PartyIDSource | @Src |
Used to identify class source of PartyID value (e.g. BIC). Required if PartyID is specified. Required if NoPartyIDs > 0. | |||
452 | PartyRole | @R |
Identifies the type of PartyID (e.g. Executing Broker). Required if NoPartyIDs > 0. |
Component(-) | PtysSubGrp | Sub |
Repeating group of Party sub-identifiers. |
Repeating Group 802 | NoPartySubIDs |
523 | PartySubID | @ID | ||||
803 | PartySubIDType | @Typ |
end Repeating Group |
end Component |
end Repeating Group |
end Component |
58 | Text | @Txt |
Allows user to provide reason for request | |||
354 | EncodedTextLen | @EncTxtLen | ||||
355 | EncodedText | @EncTxt |
Component(-) | StandardTrailer |
93 | SignatureLength |
Required when trailer contains signature. Note: Not to be included within SecureData field | ||||
89 | Signature |
Note: Not to be included within SecureData field | ||||
10 | CheckSum |
(Always unencrypted, always last field in message) |
end Component |