Expand Components | Collapse Components
Field or Component | Field Name | FIXML name | Req'd | Comments | Depr. |
Repeating Group 711 | NoUnderlyings |
Number of legs that make up the Security |
Component(-) | UnderlyingInstrument | Undly |
Insert here the set of "Underlying Instrument" fields defined in "Common Components of Application Messages" Required if NoUnderlyings > 0 |
311 | UnderlyingSymbol | @Sym | ||||
312 | UnderlyingSymbolSfx | @Sfx | ||||
309 | UnderlyingSecurityID | @ID | ||||
305 | UnderlyingSecurityIDSource | @Src |
Component(-) | UndSecAltIDGrp | UndAID |
Repeating Group 457 | NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID |
458 | UnderlyingSecurityAltID | @AltID | ||||
459 | UnderlyingSecurityAltIDSource | @AltIDSrc |
end Repeating Group |
end Component |
462 | UnderlyingProduct | @Prod | ||||
463 | UnderlyingCFICode | @CFI | ||||
310 | UnderlyingSecurityType | @SecTyp | ||||
763 | UnderlyingSecuritySubType | @SubTyp | ||||
313 | UnderlyingMaturityMonthYear | @MMY | ||||
542 | UnderlyingMaturityDate | @Mat | ||||
1213 | UnderlyingMaturityTime | @MatTm | ||||
241 | UnderlyingCouponPaymentDate | @CpnPmt | ||||
1453 | UnderlyingRestructuringType | @RestrctTyp | ||||
1454 | UnderlyingSeniority | @Snrty | ||||
1455 | UnderlyingNotionalPercentageOutstanding | @NotlPctOut | ||||
1456 | UnderlyingOriginalNotionalPercentageOutstanding | @OrigNotlPctOut | ||||
1459 | UnderlyingAttachmentPoint | @AttchPnt | ||||
1460 | UnderlyingDetachmentPoint | @DetchPnt | ||||
242 | UnderlyingIssueDate | @Issued | ||||
243 | UnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityType | @RepoCollSecTyp | Depr FIX.4.4 | |||
244 | UnderlyingRepurchaseTerm | @RepoTrm | Depr FIX.4.4 | |||
245 | UnderlyingRepurchaseRate | @RepoRt | Depr FIX.4.4 | |||
246 | UnderlyingFactor | @Fctr | ||||
256 | UnderlyingCreditRating | @CrdRtg | ||||
595 | UnderlyingInstrRegistry | @Rgstry | ||||
592 | UnderlyingCountryOfIssue | @Ctry | ||||
593 | UnderlyingStateOrProvinceOfIssue | @StOrProvnc | ||||
594 | UnderlyingLocaleOfIssue | @Lcl | ||||
247 | UnderlyingRedemptionDate | @Redeem | Depr FIX.4.4 | |||
316 | UnderlyingStrikePrice | @StrkPx | ||||
941 | UnderlyingStrikeCurrency | @StrkCcy | ||||
317 | UnderlyingOptAttribute | @OptA | ||||
436 | UnderlyingContractMultiplier | @Mult | ||||
1437 | UnderlyingContractMultiplierUnit | @MultTyp | ||||
1441 | UnderlyingFlowScheduleType | @FlowSchedTyp | ||||
998 | UnderlyingUnitOfMeasure | @UOM | ||||
1423 | UnderlyingUnitOfMeasureQty | @UOMQty | ||||
1424 | UnderlyingPriceUnitOfMeasure | @PxUOM | ||||
1425 | UnderlyingPriceUnitOfMeasureQty | @PxUOMQty | ||||
1000 | UnderlyingTimeUnit | @TmUnit |
Used to indicate a time unit for the contract (e.g., days, weeks, months, etc.) | |||
1419 | UnderlyingExerciseStyle | @ExerStyle | ||||
435 | UnderlyingCouponRate | @CpnRt | ||||
308 | UnderlyingSecurityExchange | @Exch | ||||
306 | UnderlyingIssuer | @Issr | ||||
362 | EncodedUnderlyingIssuerLen | @EncUndIssrLen | ||||
363 | EncodedUnderlyingIssuer | @EncUndIssr | ||||
307 | UnderlyingSecurityDesc | @Desc | ||||
364 | EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLen | @EncUndSecDescLen | ||||
365 | EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDesc | @EncUndSecDesc | ||||
877 | UnderlyingCPProgram | @CPPgm | ||||
878 | UnderlyingCPRegType | @CPRegTyp | ||||
972 | UnderlyingAllocationPercent | @AllocPct |
Specific to the < UnderlyingInstrument > Percent of the Strike Price that this underlying represents. Necessary for derivatives that deliver into more than one underlying instrument. | |||
318 | UnderlyingCurrency | @Ccy |
Specific to the <UnderlyingInstrument> (not in <Instrument>) | |||
879 | UnderlyingQty | @Qty |
Specific to the <UnderlyingInstrument> (not in <Instrument>) Unit amount of the underlying security (par, shares, currency, etc.) | |||
975 | UnderlyingSettlementType | @SettlTyp |
Specific to the < UnderlyingInstrument > Indicates order settlement period for the underlying deliverable component. | |||
973 | UnderlyingCashAmount | @CashAmt |
Specific to the < UnderlyingInstrument > Cash amount associated with the underlying component. Necessary for derivatives that deliver into more than one underlying instrument and one of the underlying's is a fixed cash value. | |||
974 | UnderlyingCashType | @CashTyp |
Specific to the < UnderlyingInstrument > Used for derivatives that deliver into cash underlying. Indicates that the cash is either fixed or difference value (difference between strike and current underlying price) | |||
810 | UnderlyingPx | @Px |
Specific to the <UnderlyingInstrument> (not in <Instrument>) In a financing deal clean price (percent-of-par or per unit) of the underlying security or basket. | |||
882 | UnderlyingDirtyPrice | @DirtPx |
Specific to the <UnderlyingInstrument> (not in <Instrument>) In a financing deal price (percent-of-par or per unit) of the underlying security or basket. "Dirty" means it includes accrued interest | |||
883 | UnderlyingEndPrice | @EndPx |
Specific to the <UnderlyingInstrument> (not in <Instrument>) In a financing deal price (percent-of-par or per unit) of the underlying security or basket at the end of the agreement. | |||
884 | UnderlyingStartValue | @StartVal |
Specific to the <UnderlyingInstrument> (not in <Instrument>) Currency value attributed to this collateral at the start of the agreement | |||
885 | UnderlyingCurrentValue | @CurVal |
Specific to the <UnderlyingInstrument> (not in <Instrument>) Currency value currently attributed to this collateral | |||
886 | UnderlyingEndValue | @EndVal |
Specific to the <UnderlyingInstrument> (not in <Instrument>) Currency value attributed to this collateral at the end of the agreement |
Component(-) | UnderlyingStipulations | Stip |
Specific to the <UnderlyingInstrument> (not in <Instrument>) Insert here the contents of the <UnderlyingStipulations> Component Block |
Repeating Group 887 | NoUnderlyingStips |
888 | UnderlyingStipType | @Typ |
Required if NoUnderlyingStips >0 | |||
889 | UnderlyingStipValue | @Val |
end Repeating Group |
end Component |
1044 | UnderlyingAdjustedQuantity | @AdjQty |
Specific to the <UnderlyingInstrument> (not in <Instrument>). For listed derivatives margin management, this is the number of shares adjusted for upcoming corporate action. Used only for securities which are optionable and are between ex-date and settlement date (4 days). | |||
1045 | UnderlyingFXRate | @FxRate |
Specific to the <UnderlyingInstrument> (not in <Instrument>). Foreign exchange rate used to compute UnderlyingCurrentValue (885) (or market value) from UnderlyingCurrency (318) to Currency (15). | |||
1046 | UnderlyingFXRateCalc | @FxRateCalc |
Specific to the <UnderlyingInstrument> (not in <Instrument>). Specified whether UnderlyingFxRate (1045) should be multiplied or divided to derive UnderlyingCurrentValue (885). | |||
1038 | UnderlyingCapValue | @CapValu |
Component(-) | UndlyInstrumentParties | Pty |
Repeating Group 1058 | NoUndlyInstrumentParties |
Repeating group below should contain unique combinations of InstrumentPartyID, InstrumentPartyIDSource, and InstrumentPartyRole |
1059 | UnderlyingInstrumentPartyID | @ID |
Used to identify party id related to instrument | |||
1060 | UnderlyingInstrumentPartyIDSource | @Src |
Used to identify source of instrument party id | |||
1061 | UnderlyingInstrumentPartyRole | @R |
Used to identify the role of instrument party id |
Component(-) | UndlyInstrumentPtysSubGrp | Sub |
Repeating group of InstrumentParty sub-identifiers. |
Repeating Group 1062 | NoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDs |
1063 | UnderlyingInstrumentPartySubID | @ID | ||||
1064 | UnderlyingInstrumentPartySubIDType | @Typ |
end Repeating Group |
end Component |
end Repeating Group |
end Component |
1039 | UnderlyingSettlMethod | @SetMeth | ||||
315 | UnderlyingPutOrCall | @PutCall |
Used to express option right |
end Component |
944 | CollAction | @Actn |
Required if NoUnderlyings > 0 |
end Repeating Group |