Code Set NameData TypeDescriptionPedigree

Type of interval over which statistic is calculated.


Sliding window

Window is defined as an interval period up to the current time of dissemination, see MDStatisticIntervalPeriod (2466).

Added EP191 [SlidingWindow]

Sliding window peak

Highest value of all sliding windows across date and/or time range. Omission of date/time range represents current day.

Added EP191 [SlidingWindowPeak]

Fixed date range

Interval may be open ended on either side, see MDStatisticStartDate (2468) and MDStatisticEndDate(2469). Starting/ending time of date fields only apply to the first/last day of the date range. Additional time range may be defined with MDStatisticStartTime(2470) and MDStatisticEndTime(2471) and applies to every business day within date range, i.e. to define an identical time slice across days.

Added EP191 [FixedDateRange]

Fixed time range

Interval may be open ended on either side, see MDStatisticStartTime(2470) and MDStatisticEndTime(2471).

Added EP191 [FixedTimeRange]

Current time unit

Relative time unit which has not ended yet, e.g. current day. Interval ends with the time of dissemination of the statistic. Requires the definition of an actual unit, see MDStatisticIntervalTypeUnit(2465).

Added EP191 [CurrentTimeUnit]

Previous time unit

Relative time unit which has ended in the past. Requires the definition of an actual unit, see MDStatisticIntervalTypeUnit(2465).

Added EP191 [PreviousTimeUnit]

Maximum range

Use to convey record values over the lifetime of the system or venue.

Added EP191 [MaximumRange]

Maximum range up to previous time unit

Use to convey record values over the lifetime of the system or venue but does not include the most recent time unit as it has not completed yet. Requires the definition of an actual unit, see MDStatisticIntervalTypeUnit(2465)

Added EP191 [MaximumRangeUpToPreviousTimeUnit]
Added EP191

Used in fields: