Code Set NameData TypeDescriptionPedigree

Identifies the type of execution destination for the order.


No restriction

May be used for MiFID II to indicate no restriction on where the order is executed.

Added EP228 [NoRestriction]

Can be traded only on a trading venue

May be used for MiFID II to indicate the order can only be executed on a trading venue.

Added EP228 [TradedOnlyOnTradingVenue]

Can be traded only on a Systematic Internaliser (SI)

May be used for MiFID II to indicate the order can only be executed on a Systematic Internaliser.

Added EP228 [TradedOnlyOnSI]

Can be traded on a trading venue or Systematic internaliser (SI)

May be used for MiFID II to indicate the order can be executed on either a trading venue or a Systematic Internaliser.

Added EP228 [TradedOnTradingVenueOrSI]
Added EP228

Used in fields: