FIX.Latest_EP293 Component



The AllocCommissionDataGrp component block is used to carry commission information such as the type of commission and the rate at the allocation level. It provides a means to express commission applicable for the specified allocation account.


Pedigree Added EP204

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Field or ComponentField NameAbbr NameReq'dCommentsPedigree
Repeating Group 2653NoAllocCommissions Added EP204
2654AllocCommissionAmountAmt Required if NoAllocCommissions(2653) > 0.
If the commission is based on a percentage of trade quantity or a factor of unit of measure, AllocCommissionRate(2660) and AllocCommissionUnitOfMeasure(2658) may also be specified as appropriate.
Added EP204
2655AllocCommissionAmountTypeTyp Required if NoAllocCommissions(2653) > 0.Added EP204
2726AllocCommissionAmountSubTypeSubTyp Added EP233
2656AllocCommissionBasisBasis Required if NoAllocCommissions(2653) > 0.Added EP204
2657AllocCommissionCurrencyCcy Added EP204
2925AllocCommissionCurrencyCodeSourceCcySrc Added EP273
2658AllocCommissionUnitOfMeasureUOM Added EP204
2659AllocCommissionUnitOfMeasureCurrencyUOMCcy Added EP204
2926AllocCommissionUnitOfMeasureCurrencyCodeSourceUOMCcySrc Added EP273
2660AllocCommissionRateRt Added EP204
2661AllocCommissionSharedIndicatorSharedInd Added EP204
2662AllocCommissionAmountSharedAmtShared If specified, AllocCommissionSharedIndicator(2661) must be set to Y.Added EP204
2663AllocCommissionLegRefIDLegRefID This field may be used for multi-leg trades sent as a single message to indicate that the entry applies only to a specific leg.Added EP204
2664AllocCommissionDescDesc Added EP204
2665EncodedAllocCommissionDescLenEncDescLen Must be set if EncodedAllocCommissionDesc(2666) is specified and must immediately precede it.Added EP204
2666EncodedAllocCommissionDescEncDesc Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the AllocCommissionDesc(2664) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field.Added EP204
end Repeating Group

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