FIX.Latest_EP295 Component



This component is used to identify trades that are related to each other for a business purpose, such as netting of forwards. This component should not be used in lieu of explicit FIX fields that denote specific semantic relationships, but rather should be used when no such fields exist.

Pedigree Added EP142

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Field or ComponentField NameAbbr NameReq'dCommentsPedigree
Repeating Group 1855NoRelatedTrades Added EP142
1856RelatedTradeIDID Required if NoRelatedTrades(1855) > 0.Added EP142
1857RelatedTradeIDSourceSrc Added EP142
2103RelatedRegulatoryTradeIDSourceRegSrc Optionally used for RelatedTradeIDSource(1857)=6(Regulatory trade ID) when RelatedTradeID(1856) is not unique across multiple reporting entities.Added EP165
1858RelatedTradeDateDt Optionally used to help identify the trade when RelatedTradeID(1856) is not unique across multiple days.Added EP142
1859RelatedTradeMarketIDMktID Optionally used to help identify the trade when RelatedTradeID(1856) is not unique across multiple markets.Added EP142
1860RelatedTradeQuantityQty Added EP142
end Repeating Group

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