The AdditionalTermBondRefGrp is a repeating group subcomponent of the AdditionalTermGrp component used to identify an underlying reference bond for a swap.
 | 40001 | AdditionalTermBondSecurityID | ID | | Required if NoAdditionalTermBondRefs(40000) > 0. | Added EP161
 | 40002 | AdditionalTermBondSecurityIDSource | Src | | Conditionally required when AdditionalTermBondSecurityID(40001) is specified. | Added EP161
 | 40003 | AdditionalTermBondDesc | Desc | | | Added EP161
 | 40004 | EncodedAdditionalTermBondDescLen | EncDescLen | | Must be set if EncodedAdditionalTermBondDesc(40005) field is specified and must immediately precede it. | Added EP161
 | 40005 | EncodedAdditionalTermBondDesc | EncDesc | | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the AdditionalTermBondDesc(40003) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field. | Added EP161
 | 40006 | AdditionalTermBondCurrency | Ccy | | | Added EP161
 | 40007 | AdditionalTermBondIssuer | Issr | | | Added EP161
 | 40008 | EncodedAdditionalTermBondIssuerLen | EncIssrLen | | Must be set if EncodedAdditionalTermBondIssuer(40009) field is specified and must immediately precede it. | Added EP161
 | 40009 | EncodedAdditionalTermBondIssuer | EncIssr | | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the AdditionalTermBondIssuer(40007) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field. | Added EP161
 | 40010 | AdditionalTermBondSeniority | Snrty | | | Added EP161
 | 40011 | AdditionalTermBondCouponType | CpnTyp | | | Added EP161
 | 40012 | AdditionalTermBondCouponRate | CpnRt | | | Added EP161
 | 40013 | AdditionalTermBondMaturityDate | MatDt | | | Added EP161
 | 40014 | AdditionalTermBondParValue | Par | | | Added EP161
 | 40015 | AdditionalTermBondCurrentTotalIssuedAmount | CurTotAmt | | | Added EP161
 | 40016 | AdditionalTermBondCouponFrequencyPeriod | CpnPeriod | | Conditionally required when AdditionalTermBondCouponFrequencyUnit(40017) is specified. | Added EP161
 | 40017 | AdditionalTermBondCouponFrequencyUnit | CpnUnit | | Conditionally required when AdditionalTermBondCouponFrequencyPeriod(40016) is specified. | Added EP161
 | 40018 | AdditionalTermBondDayCount | DayCnt | | | Added EP161