| Component(-) | PaymentStreamCompoundingDatesBusinessCenterGrp | BizCtr | | When specified, this overrides the business centers defined in the DateAdjustment component in Instrument. The specified values would be specific to payment stream compounding dates. | Added EP208
 | 42610 | PaymentStreamCompoundingDatesRelativeTo | Reltv | | | Added EP208
 | 42611 | PaymentStreamCompoundingDatesOffsetPeriod | OfstPeriod | | Conditionally required when PaymentStreamCompoundingDatesOffsetUnit(42612) is specified. | Added EP208
 | 42612 | PaymentStreamCompoundingDatesOffsetUnit | OfstUnit | | Conditionally required when PaymentCompoundingDatesOffsetPeriod(42611) is specified. | Added EP208
 | 42613 | PaymentStreamCompoundingDatesOffsetDayType | OfstDayTyp | | | Added EP208
 | 42614 | PaymentStreamCompoundingPeriodSkip | Skip | | | Added EP208
 | 42615 | PaymentStreamCompoundingFrequencyPeriod | FreqPeriod | | Conditionally required when PayamentStreamCompoundingFrequencyUnit(42616) is specified. | Added EP208
 | 42616 | PaymentStreamCompoundingFrequencyUnit | FreqUnit | | Conditionally required when PayamentStreamCompoundingFrequencyPeriod(42615) is specified. | Added EP208
 | 42617 | PaymentStreamCompoundingRollConvention | Roll | | When specified, this overrides the date roll convention defined in the DateAdjustment component in Instrument. The specified value would be specific to this instance of the payment stream compounding dates. | Added EP208
 | 42618 | PaymentStreamBoundsFirstDateUnadjusted | FirstDtUnadj | | | Added EP208
 | 42619 | PaymentStreamBoundsLastDateUnadjusted | LastDtUnadj | | | Added EP208