| Component(-) | UnderlyingDividendPeriodBusinessCenterGrp | BizCtr | | When specified, this overrides the business centers defined in the UnderlyingDateAdjustment component in UnderlyingInstrument. The specified values would be specific to this dividend period instance. | Added EP208
 | 42869 | UnderlyingDividendPeriodValuationDateUnadjusted | ValDtUnadj | | | Added EP208
 | 42870 | UnderlyingDividendPeriodValuationDateRelativeTo | ValDtReltv | | | Added EP208
 | 42871 | UnderlyingDividendPeriodValuationDateOffsetPeriod | ValDtOfstPeriod | | Conditionally required when UnderlyingDividendPeriodValuationDateOffsetUnit(42872) is specified. | Added EP208
 | 42872 | UnderlyingDividendPeriodValuationDateOffsetUnit | ValDtOfstUnit | | Conditionally required when UnderlyingDividendPeriodValuationDateOffsetPeriod(42871) is specified. | Added EP208
 | 42873 | UnderlyingDividendPeriodValuationDateOffsetDayType | ValDtOfstDayTyp | | | Added EP208
 | 42874 | UnderlyingDividendPeriodValuationDateAdjusted | ValDt | | | Added EP208
 | 42875 | UnderlyingDividendPeriodPaymentDateUnadjusted | PmtDtUnadj | | | Added EP208
 | 42876 | UnderlyingDividendPeriodPaymentDateRelativeTo | PmtDtReltv | | | Added EP208
 | 42877 | UnderlyingDividendPeriodPaymentDateOffsetPeriod | PmtDtOfstPeriod | | Conditionally required when UnderlyingDividendPeriodPaymentDateOffsetUnit(42878) is specified. | Added EP208
 | 42878 | UnderlyingDividendPeriodPaymentDateOffsetUnit | PmtDtOfstUnit | | Conditionally required when UnderlyingDividendPeriodPaymentDateOffsetPeriod(42877) is specified. | Added EP208
 | 42879 | UnderlyingDividendPeriodPaymentDateOffsetDayType | PmtDtOfstDayTyp | | | Added EP208
 | 42880 | UnderlyingDividendPeriodPaymentDateAdjusted | PmtDt | | | Added EP208
 | 42881 | UnderlyingDividendPeriodXID | XID | | | Added EP208