PartyRole value within a nested repeating group.
Same values as PartyRole (452)
1 | = | Executing Firm (formerly FIX 4.2 ExecBroker) | Added FIX.4.3
| | [ExecutingFirm] |
2 | = | Broker of Credit (formerly FIX 4.2 BrokerOfCredit) | Added FIX.4.3
| | [BrokerOfCredit] |
3 | = | Client ID (formerly FIX 4.2 ClientID) | Added FIX.4.3
| | [ClientID] |
4 | = | Clearing Firm (formerly FIX 4.2 ClearingFirm) | Added FIX.4.3
| | [ClearingFirm] |
5 | = | Investor ID | Added FIX.4.3
| | [InvestorID] |
6 | = | Introducing Firm | Added FIX.4.3
| | [IntroducingFirm] |
7 | = | Entering Firm | Added FIX.4.3
| | [EnteringFirm] |
8 | = | Locate / Lending Firm (for short-sales) | Added FIX.4.3
| | [Locate] |
9 | = | Fund Manager Client ID (for CIV) | Added FIX.4.3
| | [FundManagerClientID] |
10 | = | Settlement Location (formerly FIX 4.2 SettlLocation) | Added FIX.4.3
| | [SettlementLocation] |
11 | = | Order Origination Trader (associated with Order Origination Firm - i.e. trader who initiates/submits the order) | Added FIX.4.3
| | [OrderOriginationTrader] |
12 | = | Executing Trader (associated with Executing Firm - actually executes) | Added FIX.4.3
| | [ExecutingTrader] |
13 | = | Order Origination Firm (e.g. buy-side firm) | Added FIX.4.3
| | [OrderOriginationFirm] |
14 | = | Giveup Clearing Firm (firm to which trade is given up) | Added FIX.4.3
Updated EP253
Deprecated EP118 | | [GiveupClearingFirmDepr] |
15 | = | Correspondant Clearing Firm | Added FIX.4.3
| | [CorrespondantClearingFirm] |
16 | = | Executing System | Added FIX.4.3
| | [ExecutingSystem] |
17 | = | Contra Firm | Added FIX.4.3
| | [ContraFirm] |
18 | = | Contra Clearing Firm | Added FIX.4.3
| | [ContraClearingFirm] |
19 | = | Sponsoring Firm | Added FIX.4.3
| | [SponsoringFirm] |
20 | = | Underlying Contra Firm | Added FIX.4.3
| | [UnderlyingContraFirm] |
21 | = | Clearing Organization | Added FIX.4.4
| | [ClearingOrganization] |
22 | = | Exchange Identify using PartyIDSource(tag 447) = G (Market Identifier Code) if the MIC exists. | Added FIX.4.4
Updated EP139
| | [Exchange] |
24 | = | Customer Account | Added FIX.4.4
| | [CustomerAccount] |
25 | = | Correspondent Clearing Organization | Added FIX.4.4
| | [CorrespondentClearingOrganization] |
26 | = | Correspondent Broker | Added FIX.4.4
| | [CorrespondentBroker] |
27 | = | Buyer/Seller (Receiver/Deliverer) | Added FIX.4.4
| | [Buyer] |
28 | = | Custodian | Added FIX.4.4
| | [Custodian] |
29 | = | Intermediary | Added FIX.4.4
| | [Intermediary] |
30 | = | Agent | Added FIX.4.4
| | [Agent] |
31 | = | Sub-custodian | Added FIX.4.4
| | [SubCustodian] |
32 | = | Beneficiary | Added FIX.4.4
| | [Beneficiary] |
33 | = | Interested party | Added FIX.4.4
| | [InterestedParty] |
34 | = | Regulatory body In the context of regulatory reporting, this identifies the regulator the trade is being reported to. | Added FIX.4.4
Updated EP169
| | [RegulatoryBody] |
35 | = | Liquidity provider | Added FIX.4.4
| | [LiquidityProvider] |
36 | = | Entering trader | Added FIX.4.4
| | [EnteringTrader] |
37 | = | Contra trader | Added FIX.4.4
| | [ContraTrader] |
38 | = | Position account The account which positions are maintained. Typically represents the aggregation of one or more customer accounts. | Added FIX.4.4
Updated EP155
| | [PositionAccount] |
39 | = | Contra Investor ID | Added EP-1
| | [ContraInvestorID] |
40 | = | Transfer to Firm | Added EP-1
| | [TransferToFirm] |
41 | = | Contra Position Account | Added EP5
| | [ContraPositionAccount] |
42 | = | Contra Exchange | Added EP5
| | [ContraExchange] |
43 | = | Internal Carry Account | Added EP5
| | [InternalCarryAccount] |
44 | = | Order Entry Operator ID | Added EP5
| | [OrderEntryOperatorID] |
45 | = | Secondary Account Number | Added EP5
| | [SecondaryAccountNumber] |
46 | = | Foreign Firm | Added EP8
Updated EP95
| | [ForeignFirm] |
47 | = | Third Party Allocation Firm | Added EP8
| | [ThirdPartyAllocationFirm] |
48 | = | Claiming Account | Added EP8
| | [ClaimingAccount] |
49 | = | Asset Manager | Added EP8
| | [AssetManager] |
50 | = | Pledgor Account | Added EP8
| | [PledgorAccount] |
51 | = | Pledgee Account | Added EP8
| | [PledgeeAccount] |
52 | = | Large Trader Reportable Account | Added EP8
| | [LargeTraderReportableAccount] |
53 | = | Trader mnemonic | Added EP8
| | [TraderMnemonic] |
54 | = | Sender Location | Added EP8
| | [SenderLocation] |
55 | = | Session ID | Added EP8
| | [SessionID] |
56 | = | Acceptable Counterparty | Added EP22
| | [AcceptableCounterparty] |
57 | = | Unacceptable Counterparty | Added EP22
| | [UnacceptableCounterparty] |
58 | = | Entering Unit | Added EP22
| | [EnteringUnit] |
59 | = | Executing Unit | Added EP22
| | [ExecutingUnit] |
60 | = | Introducing Broker | Added EP4
| | [IntroducingBroker] |
61 | = | Quote originator | Added EP26
| | [QuoteOriginator] |
62 | = | Report originator | Added EP26
| | [ReportOriginator] |
63 | = | Systematic internaliser (SI) | Added EP26
| | [SystematicInternaliser] |
64 | = | Multilateral Trading Facility (MTF) Identify using PartyIDSource(tag 447) = G (Market Identifier Code) if the MIC exists. | Added EP26
Updated EP139
| | [MultilateralTradingFacility] |
65 | = | Regulated Market (RM) Identify using PartyIDSource(tag 447) = G (Market Identifier Code) if the MIC exists. | Added EP26
Updated EP139
| | [RegulatedMarket] |
66 | = | Market Maker | Added EP26
| | [MarketMaker] |
67 | = | Investment Firm | Added EP26
| | [InvestmentFirm] |
68 | = | Host Competent Authority (Host CA) | Added EP26
| | [HostCompetentAuthority] |
69 | = | Home Competent Authority (Home CA) | Added EP26
| | [HomeCompetentAuthority] |
70 | = | Competent Authority of the most relevant market in terms of liquidity (CAL) | Added EP26
| | [CompetentAuthorityLiquidity] |
71 | = | Competent Authority of the Transaction (Execution) Venue (CATV) | Added EP26
| | [CompetentAuthorityTransactionVenue] |
72 | = | Reporting intermediary The medium or vendor used to report to a regulator, non-regulatory agency or data repository. | Added EP26
Updated EP229
| | [ReportingIntermediary] |
73 | = | Execution Venue Identify using PartyIDSource(tag 447) = G (Market Identifier Code) if the MIC exists. | Added EP26
Updated EP139
| | [ExecutionVenue] |
74 | = | Market data entry originator | Added EP26
| | [MarketDataEntryOriginator] |
75 | = | Location ID | Added EP26
| | [LocationID] |
76 | = | Desk ID | Added EP26
| | [DeskID] |
77 | = | Market data market | Added EP26
| | [MarketDataMarket] |
78 | = | Allocation Entity | Added EP35
| | [AllocationEntity] |
79 | = | Prime Broker providing General Trade Services | Added EP68
| | [PrimeBroker] |
80 | = | Step-Out Firm (Prime Broker) | Added EP68
| | [StepOutFirm] |
81 | = | Broker clearing identifier | Added EP68
Updated EP271
| | [BrokerClearingID] |
82 | = | Central Registration Depository (CRD) | Added EP79
| | [CentralRegistrationDepository] |
83 | = | Clearing Account | Added EP96
| | [ClearingAccount] |
84 | = | Acceptable Settling Counterparty | Added EP96
| | [AcceptableSettlingCounterparty] |
85 | = | Unacceptable Settling Counterparty | Added EP96
| | [UnacceptableSettlingCounterparty] |
86 | = | CLS Member Bank | Added EP100
| | [CLSMemberBank] |
87 | = | In Concert Group | Added EP103
| | [InConcertGroup] |
88 | = | In Concert Controlling Entity | Added EP103
| | [InConcertControllingEntity] |
89 | = | Large Positions Reporting Account | Added EP103
| | [LargePositionsReportingAccount] |
90 | = | Settlement Firm | Added EP105
| | [SettlementFirm] |
91 | = | Settlement account The account to which individual payment obligations are aggregated for netting and funds movement. Typically represents the aggregation of many margin (performance bond) accounts. | Added EP105
Updated EP155
| | [SettlementAccount] |
92 | = | Reporting Market Center | Added EP112
| | [ReportingMarketCenter] |
93 | = | Related Reporting Market Center | Added EP112
| | [RelatedReportingMarketCenter] |
94 | = | Away Market Identify using PartyIDSource(tag 447) = G (Market Identifier Code) if the MIC exists. | Added EP112
Updated EP139
| | [AwayMarket] |
95 | = | Give-up (trading) firm | Added EP118
| | [GiveupTradingFirm] |
96 | = | Take-up (trading) firm | Added EP118
| | [TakeupTradingFirm] |
97 | = | Give-up clearing firm | Added EP118
| | [GiveupClearingFirm] |
98 | = | Take-up clearing firm | Added EP118
| | [TakeupClearingFirm] |
99 | = | Originating Market Identifies the Market using PartyIDSource(tag 447) = G (Market Identifier Code) where an order originated in the event that the order is sent to an alternative market for execution. Serves as an inverse of an away market. | Added EP139
| | [OriginatingMarket] |
100 | = | Margin account Also referred to as performance bond account . The margin account is the calculated margin requirements. Typically represents the aggregation of one or more position accounts. | Added EP155
| | [MarginAccount] |
101 | = | Collateral asset account The account at which individual collateral assets are maintained. Typically, although not always, one-for-one with the settlement account. | Added EP155
| | [CollateralAssetAccount] |
102 | = | Data repository Multiple instances of this PartyRole may appear for reporting purposes. | Added EP161
| | [DataRepository] |
103 | = | Calculation agent | Added EP161
| | [CalculationAgent] |
104 | = | Sender of exercise notice | Added EP161
| | [ExerciseNoticeSender] |
105 | = | Receiver of exercise notice | Added EP161
| | [ExerciseNoticeReceiver] |
106 | = | Rate reference bank The bank providing the reference rate. Multiple instance of this PartyRole may appear. | Added EP161
| | [RateReferenceBank] |
107 | = | Correspondent | Added EP161
| | [Correspondent] |
109 | = | Beneficiary's bank or depository institution The institution in which the beneficiary, a person or an entity, has their account with. The institution may be a bank or non-bank institution. | Added EP161
| | [BeneficiaryBank] |
110 | = | Borrower | Added EP161
| | [Borrower] |
111 | = | Primary obligator | Added EP161
| | [PrimaryObligator] |
112 | = | Guarantor | Added EP161
| | [Guarantor] |
113 | = | Excluded reference entity | Added EP161
| | [ExcludedReferenceEntity] |
114 | = | Determining party | Added EP161
| | [DeterminingParty] |
115 | = | Hedging party | Added EP161
| | [HedgingParty] |
116 | = | Reporting entity The entity that is reporting the information. | Added EP161
| | [ReportingEntity] |
117 | = | Sales person The person who is involved in the sales activities for their firm. | Added EP173
| | [SalesPerson] |
118 | = | Operator The person who has the capabilities and authorization to take certain actions; for example, setting entitlements, etc. | Added EP173
| | [Operator] |
119 | = | Central Securities Depository (CSD) | Added EP187
| | [CSD] |
120 | = | International Central Securities Depository (ICSD) | Added EP187
| | [ICSD] |
121 | = | Trading sub-account Example of sub-accounts include a clearing account that has multiple trading sub-accounts, a trading account that has multiple trading sub-accounts belonging to different trading firms. | Added EP217
| | [TradingSubAccount] |
122 | = | Investment decision maker In the context of ESMA RTS reporting, this is used to specify party responsible for the investment decision. See RTS 24, Annex, Table 2, Field 4. | Added EP222
| | [InvestmentDecisionMaker] |
123 | = | Publishing intermediary The medium or vendor used to publish to the market. | Added EP229
| | [PublishingIntermediary] |
124 | = | Central Securities Depository (CSD) Participant In the context of EU SFTR reporting the identifier of the CSD participant or indirect participant of the reporting counterparty. Where both the CSD participant and indirect participant are involved in the transaction this should identify the indirect participant. | Added EP254
| | [CSDParticipant] |
125 | = | Issuer The issuer of the security. | Added EP254
| | [Issuer] |
126 | = | Contra Customer Account Same as PartyRole(452) = 24 (Customer Account) but for the counterparty. Can be used whenever the parties component is not nested in a repeating group representing both sides. | Added EP256
| | [ContraCustomerAccount] |
127 | = | Contra Investment Decision Maker Same as PartyRole(452) = 122 (Investment Decision Maker) but for the counterparty. Can be used whenever the parties component is not nested in a repeating group representing both sides. | Added EP256
| | [ContraInvestmentDecisionMaker] |
128 | = | Authorizing person In the context of MiFIR, this value is used to identify the person authorizing algorithms within a trading firm. | Added EP292
| | [AuthorizingPerson] |