The TrdRegTimestamps component block is used to express timestamps for an order or trade that are required by regulatory agencies These timesteamps are used to identify the timeframes for when an order or trade is received on the floor, received and executed by the broker, etc.
 | 769 | TrdRegTimestamp | TS | | Required if NoTrdRegTimestamps(768) > 0. | Added FIX.4.4
Updated EP253
 | 770 | TrdRegTimestampType | Typ | | Required if NoTrdRegTimestamps(768) > 0. | Added FIX.4.4
Updated EP253
 | 771 | TrdRegTimestampOrigin | Src | | | Added FIX.4.4
 | 2839 | TrdRegTimestampManualIndicator | ManInd | | | Added EP253
 | 1033 | DeskType | DskTyp | | | Added EP-1
Updated EP253
 | 1034 | DeskTypeSource | DskTypSrc | | | Added EP-1
 | 1035 | DeskOrderHandlingInst | DskOrdHndlInst | | | Added EP-1
 | 1727 | InformationBarrierID | InfoBrrID | | | Added EP135
 | 2831 | NBBOEntryType | NBBOTyp | | May be used with TrdRegTimestampType(770)=34 (Reference time for NBBO). | Added EP253
 | 2832 | NBBOPrice | NBBOPx | | May be used with TrdRegTimestampType(770)=34 (Reference time for NBBO). | Added EP253
 | 2833 | NBBOQty | NBBOQty | | May be used with TrdRegTimestampType(770)=34 (Reference time for NBBO). | Added EP253
 | 2834 | NBBOSource | NBBOSrc | | May be used with TrdRegTimestampType(770)=34 (Reference time for NBBO). | Added EP253