| Component(-) | NstdPtysSubGrp | Sub | | Repeating group of NestedParty sub-identifiers. | Added FIX.4.4
 | 208 | NotifyBrokerOfCredit | NotifyBrkrOfCredit | | | Added FIX.4.4
 | 209 | AllocHandlInst | HandlInst | | | Added FIX.4.4
 | 161 | AllocText | Txt | | Free format text field related to this AllocAccount | Added FIX.4.4
 | 360 | EncodedAllocTextLen | EncAllocTextLen | | Must be set if EncodedAllocText field is specified and must immediately precede it. | Added FIX.4.4
 | 361 | EncodedAllocText | EncAllocText | | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the AllocText field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding field. | Added FIX.4.4
 | 1732 | FirmAllocText | FirmTxt | | | Added EP118
 | 1733 | EncodedFirmAllocTextLen | EncFirmTxtLen | | | Added EP118
 | 1734 | EncodedFirmAllocText | EncFirmTxt | | | Added EP118
 | Component(-) | CommissionData | Comm | | | Added FIX.4.4
Updated EP204
 | Component(-) | AllocCommissionDataGrp | CommData | | Use as an alternative to CommissionData component if multiple commissions or enhanced attributes are needed. | Added EP204
 | 153 | AllocAvgPx | AvgPx | | AvgPx for this AllocAccount. For F/X orders, should be the all-in rate (spot rate adjusted for forward points) for this allocation, expressed in terms of Currency(15). For Fixed Income always express value as percent of par . | Added FIX.4.4
Updated EP82
 | 154 | AllocNetMoney | NetMny | | NetMoney for this AllocAccount ((AllocQty * AllocAvgPx) - Commission - sum of MiscFeeAmt + AccruedInterestAmt) if a Sell. ((AllocQty * AllocAvgPx) + Commission + sum of MiscFeeAmt + AccruedInterestAmt) if a Buy. For FX, if specified, expressed in terms of Currency(15). | Added FIX.4.4
Updated EP82
 | 119 | SettlCurrAmt | SettlCurrAmt | | Replaced by AllocSettlCurrAmt | Added FIX.4.4
Deprecated FIX.4.4 |
 | 2300 | AllocGrossTradeAmt | GrossTrdAmt | | | Added EP170
 | 737 | AllocSettlCurrAmt | AllocSettlCurrAmt | | AllocNetMoney in AllocSettlCurrency for this AllocAccount if AllocSettlCurrency is different from overall Currency | Added FIX.4.4
 | 120 | SettlCurrency | SettlCcy | | Replaced by AllocSettlCurrency SettlCurrency for this AllocAccount if different from overall Currency. Required if SettlCurrAmt is specified. | Added FIX.4.4
Deprecated FIX.4.4 |
 | 736 | AllocSettlCurrency | AllocSettlCcy | | AllocSettlCurrency for this AllocAccount if different from overall Currency. Required if AllocSettlCurrAmt is specified. Required for NDFs. | Added FIX.4.4
Updated EP82
 | 2927 | AllocSettlCurrencyCodeSource | AllocSettlCcySrc | | | Added EP273
 | 155 | SettlCurrFxRate | SettlCurrFxRt | | Foreign exchange rate used to compute AllocSettlCurrAmt from Currency to AllocSettlCurrency | Added FIX.4.4
 | 156 | SettlCurrFxRateCalc | SettlCurrFxRtCalc | | Specifies whether the SettlCurrFxRate should be multiplied or divided | Added FIX.4.4
 | 742 | AllocAccruedInterestAmt | AcrdIntAmt | | Applicable for Convertible Bonds and fixed income | Added FIX.4.4
 | 741 | AllocInterestAtMaturity | IntAtMat | | Applicable for securities that pay interest in lump-sum at maturity | Added FIX.4.4
 | Repeating Group 136 | NoMiscFees | | | Required if any miscellaneous fees are reported. Indicates number of repeating entries. | Added FIX.4.4
Updated EP95
 | 137 | MiscFeeAmt | Amt | | Required if NoMiscFees(136) > 0. | Added FIX.4.4
Updated EP196
 | 138 | MiscFeeCurr | Curr | | | Added FIX.4.4
 | 139 | MiscFeeType | Typ | | Required if NoMiscFees(136) > 0. | Added FIX.4.4
Updated EP196
 | 2712 | MiscFeeQualifier | Qual | | | Added EP231
 | 891 | MiscFeeBasis | Basis | | | Added FIX.4.4
 | 2216 | MiscFeeRate | Rt | | | Added EP169
 | 2217 | MiscFeeAmountDue | AmtDue | | | Added EP169
 | 2713 | MiscFeeDesc | Desc | | | Added EP231
 | 635 | ClearingFeeIndicator | ClrFeeInd | | | Added EP-1
 | 780 | AllocSettlInstType | SettlInstTyp | | Used to indicate whether settlement instructions are provided on this message, and if not, how they are to be derived. Absence of this field implies use of default instructions. | Added FIX.4.4
 | Component(-) | SettlInstructionsData | SetInstr | | Insert here the set of SettlInstructionsData fields defined in Common Components of Application Messages Used to communicate settlement instructions for this AllocAccount detail. Required if AllocSettlInstType = 2 or 3. | Added FIX.4.4
 | 172 | SettlDeliveryType | DlvryTyp | | Required if AllocSettlInstType = 1 or 2 | Added FIX.4.4
 | 169 | StandInstDbType | StandInstDbTyp | | Required if AllocSettlInstType = 3 (should not be populated otherwise) | Added FIX.4.4
 | 170 | StandInstDbName | StandInstDbName | | Required if AllocSettlInstType = 3 (should not be populated otherwise) | Added FIX.4.4
 | 171 | StandInstDbID | StandInstDbID | | Identifier used within the StandInstDbType Required if AllocSettlInstType = 3 (should not be populated otherwise) | Added FIX.4.4
 | Component(-) | DlvyInstGrp | DlvInst | | Required (and must be > 0) if AllocSettlInstType = 2 (should not be populated otherwise) | Added FIX.4.4