FIX.Latest_EP293 Component



The PartyEntitlementUpdateGrp component is used to supply incremental entitlement definitions changes for the party(-ies) specified in the PartyDetailGrp component. The update action type is specified using ListUpdateAction(1324).

Pedigree Added EP146

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Field or ComponentField NameAbbr NameReq'dCommentsPedigree
Repeating Group 1772NoPartyEntitlements Added EP146
1324ListUpdateActionListUpdActn Required if NoPartyEntitlements(1772).Added EP146
ComponentPartyDetailGrpPtyDetl Optional when ListUpdateAction(1324) = M(Modify) or D(Delete) and EntitlementRefID(1885) is provided.Added EP146
1883EntitlementStatusStat Added EP173
ComponentEntitlementGrpEntlmnt Optional when ListUpdateAction(1324) = M(Modify) or D(Delete) and EntitlementRefID(1885) is provided.Added EP146
1885EntitlementRefIDRefID Optional when PartyDetailGrp is provided or ListUpdateAction(1324) = A(Add).Added EP146
end Repeating Group

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