The LegComplexEventCreditEventGrp is a repeating component within the LegComplexEventGrp component used to report applicable option credit events.
 | 41367 | LegComplexEventCreditEventType | Typ | | Required if NoLegComplexEventCreditEvents(41366) > 0. | Added EP169
 | 41368 | LegComplexEventCreditEventValue | Val | | | Added EP169
 | 41369 | LegComplexEventCreditEventCurrency | Ccy | | | Added EP169
 | 41370 | LegComplexEventCreditEventPeriod | Period | | Conditionally required when LegComplexEventCreditEventUnit(41371) is specified. | Added EP169
 | 41371 | LegComplexEventCreditEventUnit | Unit | | Conditionally required when LegComplexEventCreditEventPeriod(41370) is specified. | Added EP169
 | 41372 | LegComplexEventCreditEventDayType | DayTyp | | | Added EP169
 | 41373 | LegComplexEventCreditEventRateSource | RtSrc | | | Added EP169