LegComplexEventRelativeDate is a subcomponent of LegComplexEvents for specifying the event date and time for an FX or Calendar Spread option or the payout date for a Barrier or Knock option.
 | 41389 | LegComplexEventDateUnadjusted | DtUnadj | | | Added EP169
 | 41390 | LegComplexEventDateRelativeTo | Reltv | | | Added EP169
 | 41391 | LegComplexEventDateOffsetPeriod | OfstPeriod | | Conditionally required when LegComplexEventDateOffsetUnit(41392) is specified. | Added EP169
 | 41392 | LegComplexEventDateOffsetUnit | OfstUnit | | Conditionally required when LegComplexEventDateOffsetPeriod(41391) is specified. | Added EP169
 | 41393 | LegComplexEventDateOffsetDayType | OfstDayTyp | | | Added EP169
 | 41394 | LegComplexEventDateBusinessDayConvention | BizDayCnvtn | | When specified, this overrides the business day convention defined in the LegDateAdjustment component in InstrumentLeg. The specified value would be specific to complex event dates. | Added EP169
 | Component(-) | LegComplexEventDateBusinessCenterGrp | BizCtr | | When specified, this overrides the business centers defined in the LegDateAdjustment component in InstrumentLeg. The specified values would be specific to complex event dates. | Added EP169