| 2456 | MDStatisticType | Typ | Y | | Added EP191
 | 2457 | MDStatisticScope | Scope | Y | | Added EP191
 | 2458 | MDStatisticSubScope | SubScope | | | Added EP191
 | 2459 | MDStatisticScopeType | ScopeTyp | | | Added EP191
 | 2454 | MDStatisticName | StatsNme | | | Added EP191
 | 2455 | MDStatisticDesc | Desc | | | Added EP191
 | 2481 | EncodedMDStatisticDescLen | EncDescLen | | Must be set if EncodedMDStatisticDesc(2482) field is specified and must immediately precede it. | Added EP191
 | 2482 | EncodedMDStatisticDesc | EncDesc | | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the MDStatisticDesc(2455) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field. | Added EP191
 | 264 | MarketDepth | MktDepth | | May be used to specify the market depth up to specified level. | Added EP191
 | 2460 | MDStatisticFrequencyPeriod | FreqPeriod | | Conditionally required when MDStatisticFrequencyUnit(2461) is specified. Omission represents a one-time dissemination. | Added EP191
 | 2461 | MDStatisticFrequencyUnit | FreqUnit | | Conditionally required when MDStatisticFrequencyPeriod(2460) is specified. | Added EP191
 | 2462 | MDStatisticDelayPeriod | DelayPeriod | | Conditionally required when MDStatisticDelayUnit(2463) is specified. | Added EP191
 | 2463 | MDStatisticDelayUnit | DelayUnit | | Conditionally required when MDStatisticDelayPeriod(2462) is specified. | Added EP191
 | 2464 | MDStatisticIntervalType | IntvlTyp | Y | | Added EP191
 | 2465 | MDStatisticIntervalTypeUnit | IntvlTypUnit | | Conditionally required when MDStatisticIntervalType (2464) = 5(Current time unit), 6(Previous time unit) or 8(Maximum range up to previous time unit). | Added EP191
 | 2466 | MDStatisticIntervalPeriod | IntvlPeriod | | Conditionally required if/when MDStatisticIntervalUnit(2467) is specified. Conditionally required when MDStatisticIntervalType(2464) = 1 (Sliding window) or 2 (Sliding window peak). | Added EP191
 | 2467 | MDStatisticIntervalUnit | IntvlUnit | | Conditionally required when MDStatisticIntervalPeriod(2466) is specified. | Added EP191
 | 2468 | MDStatisticStartDate | StartDt | | Can be used to define a date range for a sliding window peak other than the current day. Omission represents a date range starting with the first available day. | Added EP191
 | 2469 | MDStatisticEndDate | EndDt | | Can be used to define a date range for a sliding window peak other than the current day. Omission represents a date range including the current day. | Added EP191
 | 2470 | MDStatisticStartTime | StartTm | | Can be used to define a time range for a sliding window peak other than the complete day. Omission represents a time range starting at midnight. | Added EP191
 | 2471 | MDStatisticEndTime | EndTm | | Can be used to define a time range for a sliding window peak other than the complete day. Omission represents a time range ending with the time of dissemination of the statistical data. | Added EP191
 | 2472 | MDStatisticRatioType | RatioTyp | | Conditionally required when MDStatisticType(2456) = 5(Ratio). | Added EP191