FIX.Latest_EP291 Component



Pedigree Added EP-1 Updated EP97

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Field or ComponentField NameAbbr NameReq'dCommentsPedigree
Repeating Group 555NoLegs Number of legs that make up the SecurityAdded EP-1
ComponentInstrumentLegLeg Insert here the set of Instrument Legs (leg symbology) fields defined in common components of application messages Required if NoLegs > 0Added EP-1
690LegSwapTypeSwapTyp Added EP-1
587LegSettlTypeSettlTyp Added EP-1
ComponentLegStipulationsStip Insert here the set of LegStipulations (leg symbology) fields defined in common components of application messages Required if NoLegs > 0Added EP-1
ComponentLegBenchmarkCurveDataBnchmkCurve Insert here the set of LegBenchmarkCurveData (leg symbology) fields defined in common components of application messages Required if NoLegs > 0Added EP-1
end Repeating Group

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