FIX.Latest_EP292 Component



Group of order transactions across one or more instruments.

Pedigree Added EP188

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Field or ComponentField NameAbbr NameReq'dCommentsPedigree
Repeating Group 2428NoOrderEntries Added EP188
2429OrderEntryActionOrdEntryActn Required if NoOrderEntries(2428) > 0.Added EP188
2430OrderEntryIDOrdEntryID Unique order entry identification across all entries of a single message. Conditionally required when neither ClOrdID(11) nor OrderID(37) is provided.Added EP188
11ClOrdIDClOrdID Conditionally required when neither OrderEntryID(2430) nor OrderID(37) is provided.Added EP188
41OrigClOrdIDOrigClOrdID Conditionally required when OrderEntryAction(2429) is not 1 (Add), ClOrdID(11) was provided in original order, and message-chaining model is used.Added EP188
37OrderIDOrdID Conditionally required when OrderEntryAction(2429) is not 1 (Add) and neither OrderEntryID(2430) nor ClOrdID(11) is provided.Added EP188
40OrdTypeOrdTyp Conditionally required when OrderEntryAction (2429) = 1 (Add) or 2 (Modify). Only a subset of OrdType(40) values permitted that do not require additional pricing fields other than Price(44) field.Added EP188
44PricePx Conditionally required when OrdType(40) = 2 (Limit)Added EP188
54SideSide Conditionally required when OrderEntryAction(2429) = 1 (Add) or 2 (Modify)Added EP188
59TimeInForceTmInForce Only subset of values permitted that do not require additional fieldsAdded EP188
ComponentOrderQtyDataOrdQty Conditionally required when OrderEntryAction(2429) = 1 (Add) or 2 (Modify)Added EP188
ComponentInstrumentInstrmt Required if NoOrderEntries(2432) > 0.Added EP188
end Repeating Group

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