FIX.Latest_EP292 Component



Acknowledgment for a group of order transactions across one or more instruments.


Pedigree Added EP188

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Field or ComponentField NameAbbr NameReq'dCommentsPedigree
Repeating Group 2428NoOrderEntries Added EP188
39OrdStatusOrdStat Required if NoOrderEntries(2428) > 0.Added EP188
150ExecTypeExecTyp Required if NoOrderEntries(2428) > 0.Added EP188
2431ExecTypeReasonExecTypRsn Added EP188
2429OrderEntryActionOrdEntryActn Added EP188
2430OrderEntryIDOrdEntryID Conditionally required when neither ClOrdID(11) nor OrderID(37) is provided.Added EP188
11ClOrdIDClOrdID Conditionally required when neither OrderEntryID(2430) nor OrderID(37) is provided.Added EP188
41OrigClOrdIDOrigClOrdID ClOrdID(11) of the previous non rejected order (NOT the initial order of the day) when canceling or replacing an order. Conditionally required when ClOrdID(11) is provided and message-chaining model is used.Added EP188
37OrderIDOrdID Conditionally required when neither OrderEntryID(2430) nor ClOrdID(11) is provided.Added EP188
103OrdRejReasonRejRsn Added EP188
14CumQtyCumQty Use to explicitly provide executed quantity.Added EP188
151LeavesQtyLeavesQty Use to explicitly provide remaining quantity.Added EP188
84CxlQtyCxlQty Use to explicitly provide cancelled quantity.Added EP188
40OrdTypeOrdTyp Added EP188
44PricePx Added EP188
54SideSide Added EP188
59TimeInForceTmInForce Added EP188
ComponentOrderQtyDataOrdQty Added EP188
ComponentInstrumentInstrmt Added EP188
end Repeating Group

Used in messages: