FIX.Latest_EP293 Message

PayManagementRequest [type 'DY']


PayManagementRequest(35=DY) message is used to communicate a future or expected payment to be made or received related to a trade or contract after its settlement.


Pedigree Added EP249

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Field or ComponentField NameAbbr NameReq'dCommentsPedigree
ComponentStandardHeaderHdrYMsgType=DYAdded EP249
2812PayRequestIDReqIDYAdded EP249
2811PayRequestTransTypeTxnTypYAdded EP249
2810PayRequestRefIDReqRefID Required for PayRequestTransType(2811)=1 (Cancel).Added EP249
2807CancelTextCxlTxt May be used to provide reason for PayRequestTransType(2811)=1 (Cancel).Added EP249
2809EncodedCancelTextLenEncCxlTxtLen Must be set if EncodedCancelText(2808) field is specified and must immediately precede it.Added EP249
2808EncodedCancelTextEncCxlTxt Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the CancelText(2807) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field.Added EP249
715ClearingBusinessDateBizDt The business date of the request. This may carry the same date as the payment calculation date in PostTradePaymentCalculationDate(2825).Added EP249
60TransactTimeTxnTmYAdded EP249
58TextTxt Added EP249
354EncodedTextLenEncTxtLen Must be set if EncodedText(355) field is specified and must immediately precede it.Added EP249
355EncodedTextEncTxt Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text(58) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field.Added EP249
ComponentInstrumentInstrmt May be included with minimal detail to identify the security or contract for which payments are to be made.Added EP249
ComponentRelatedTradeGrpReltdTrd May be included to identify the trade(s) for which payments are to be made. Each instance identifies a separate trade.Added EP249
ComponentPartiesPty Identifies the parties to the contracts or trades. The account to be debited or credited is identified in the PostTradePayment component.Added EP249
ComponentPostTradePaymentPostTrdPmtYAdded EP249
ComponentSettlDetailsSettlDetails Added EP249
ComponentStandardTrailerTrlrYAdded EP249