FIX.Latest_EP295 Component



Pedigree Added FIX.4.4 Updated EP97

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Field or ComponentField NameAbbr NameReq'dCommentsPedigree
Repeating Group 146NoRelatedSym Specifies the number of repeating symbols (instruments) specifiedAdded FIX.4.4
ComponentInstrumentInstrmt Added FIX.4.4
ComponentSecondaryPriceLimitsPxLmts2 Secondary price limit rulesAdded EP-1
15CurrencyCcy Added FIX.4.4
2897CurrencyCodeSourceCcySrc Added EP273
292CorporateActionCorpActn Identifies the type of Corporate ActionAdded EP-1
ComponentInstrumentExtensionInstrmtExt Added FIX.4.4
ComponentInstrmtLegGrpLeg Added FIX.4.4
1504RelSymTransactTimeTxnTm Added EP94
1606NumOfSimpleInstrumentsNumSimplInstrmt Number of simple instruments.Added EP114
58TextTxt Comment, instructions, or other identifying information.Added FIX.4.4
354EncodedTextLenEncTxtLen Must be set if EncodedText field is specified and must immediately precede it.Added FIX.4.4
355EncodedTextEncTxt Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding field.Added FIX.4.4
end Repeating Group

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