FIX.Latest_EP292 Component



Pedigree Added FIX.4.4

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Field or ComponentField NameAbbr NameReq'dCommentsPedigree
Repeating Group 146NoRelatedSym Number of related symbols (instruments) in RequestAdded FIX.4.4
ComponentInstrumentInstrmtYInsert here the set of Instrument (symbology) fields defined in Common Components of Application MessagesAdded FIX.4.4
ComponentFinancingDetailsFinDetls Insert here the set of FinancingDetails (symbology) fields defined in Common Components of Application MessagesAdded FIX.4.4
ComponentUndInstrmtGrpUndly Added FIX.4.4
140PrevClosePxPrevClsPx Useful for verifying security identificationAdded FIX.4.4
303QuoteRequestTypeReqTyp Indicates the type of Quote Request (e.g. Manual vs. Automatic) being generated.Added FIX.4.4
117QuoteIDQID Can be used when QuoteRequestType(303) = 3(Confirm Quote).Added EP126
1751SecondaryQuoteIDQID2 Can be used when QuoteRequestType(303) = 3(Confirm Quote).Added EP126
537QuoteTypeTyp Type of quote being requested from counterparty or market (e.g. Indicative, Firm, or Restricted Tradeable)
Valid values used by FX in the request: 0 = Indicative, 1 = Tradeable; Absence implies a request for an indicative quote.
Added FIX.4.4
336TradingSessionIDSesID Added FIX.4.4
625TradingSessionSubIDSesSub Added FIX.4.4
229TradeOriginationDateOrignDt Added FIX.4.4
1913NumOfCompetitorsNumCmptors Added EP159
54SideSide If OrdType = Forex - Swap, should be the side of the future portion of a F/X swap. The absence of a side implies that a two-sided quote is being requested.
For single instrument use. FX values, 1 = Buy, 2 = Sell; This is from the perspective of the Initiator. If absent then a two-sided quote is being requested for spot or forward.
Added FIX.4.4
854QtyTypeQtyTyp Type of quantity specified in a quantity field.
For FX, if used, should be 0.
Added FIX.4.4
ComponentOrderQtyDataOrdQty Conditionally required for single instrument quoting when applicable for the type of instrument.Added FIX.4.4 Updated EP258
110MinQtyMinQty Added EP-1
63SettlTypeSettlTyp For NDFs either SettlType (specifying the tenor) or SettlDate must be specified.Added FIX.4.4 Updated EP82
64SettlDateSettlDt Can be used (e.g. with forex quotes) to specify the desired value date.
For NDFs either SettlType (specifying the tenor) or SettlDate must be specified.
Added FIX.4.4 Updated EP82
193SettlDate2SettlDt2 Can be used with OrdType = Forex - Swap to specify the value date for the future portion of a F/X swap.Added FIX.4.4 Deprecated FIX.5.0
192OrderQty2Qty2 Can be used with OrdType = Forex - Swap to specify the order quantity for the future portion of a F/X swap.Added FIX.4.4 Deprecated FIX.5.0
15CurrencyCcy Can be used to specify the desired currency of the quoted price. May differ from the 'normal' trading currency of the instrument being quote requested.Added FIX.4.4
2897CurrencyCodeSourceCcySrc Added EP273
120SettlCurrencySettlCcy Required for NDFs to specify the settlement currency (fixing currency).Added EP82
2899SettlCurrencyCodeSourceSettlCcySrc Added EP273
ComponentRateSourceRtSrc Added EP82
ComponentStipulationsStip Insert here the set of Stipulations (repeating group of Fixed Income stipulations) fields defined in Common Components of Application MessagesAdded FIX.4.4
1AccountAcct Added FIX.4.4
660AcctIDSourceAcctIDSrc Added FIX.4.4
581AccountTypeAcctTyp Added FIX.4.4
ComponentQuotReqLegsGrpLeg Added FIX.4.4
ComponentQuotQualGrpQuotQual Added FIX.4.4
828TrdTypeTrdTyp May be used by SEFs (Swap Execution Facilities) to indicate a block swap transaction.Added EP176
2347RegulatoryTransactionTypeRegTxnTyp Added EP176
ComponentRegulatoryTradeIDGrpRegTrdID Added EP258
2115NegotiationMethodNegottnMeth Added EP168
692QuotePriceTypeQuotPxTyp Initiator can specify the price type the quote needs to be quoted at. If not specified, the Respondent has option to specify how quote is quoted.Added FIX.4.4
ComponentPriceQualifierGrpPxQual Added EP230
40OrdTypeOrdTyp Can be used to specify the type of order the quote request is forAdded FIX.4.4
62ValidUntilTimeValidUntilTm Used by the quote initiator to indicate the period of time the resulting Quote must be valid untilAdded FIX.4.4
126ExpireTimeExpireTm The time when the request for quote or negotiation dialog will expire.Added FIX.4.4 Updated EP159
1914ResponseTimeRspTm Added EP159
1915QuoteDisplayTimeQuotDsplyTm Added EP159
1629ExposureDurationExpsreDur The (minimum or suggested) period of time a quote price is tradable before it becomes indicative (i.e. off-the-wire).Added EP159
1916ExposureDurationUnitExpsreDurUnit Added EP159
60TransactTimeTxnTm Time transaction was enteredAdded FIX.4.4
ComponentSpreadOrBenchmarkCurveDataSprdBnchmkCurve Insert here the set of SpreadOrBenchmarkCurveData (Fixed Income spread or benchmark curve) fields defined in Common Components of Application MessagesAdded FIX.4.4
423PriceTypePxTyp Added FIX.4.4
44PricePx Quoted or target priceAdded FIX.4.4
631MidPxMidPx For OTC swaps, may be used to provide the estimated mid-market-mark.Added EP175
640Price2Px2 Can be used with OrdType = Forex - Swap to specify the Quoted or target price for the future portion of a F/X swap.Added FIX.4.4 Deprecated FIX.5.0
ComponentYieldDataYield Insert here the set of YieldData (yield-related) fields defined in Common Components of Application MessagesAdded FIX.4.4
ComponentPartiesPty Added FIX.4.4
1937TradeContinuationTrdContntn Maybe used to indicate quote/negotiation is for the specified post-execution trade continuation or lifecycle event.Added EP258
2374TradeContinuationTextTrdContntnTxt Added EP258
2372EncodedTradeContinuationTextLenEncTrdContntnTextLen Must be set if EncodedTradeContinuationText(2371) field is specified and must immediately precede it.Added EP258
2371EncodedTradeContinuationTextEncTrdContntnText Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the TradeContinuationText(2374) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field.Added EP258
443StrikeTimeStrkTm Conditionally required when QuoteQual(695) = d (Deferred spot) is specified.Added EP226
end Repeating Group

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