FIX.Latest_EP295 Message

TradeCaptureReportRequest [type 'AD']


The Trade Capture Report Request can be used to:

• Request one or more trade capture reports based upon selection criteria provided on the trade capture report request

• Subscribe for trade capture reports based upon selection criteria provided on the trade capture report request.

Pedigree Added FIX.4.3

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Field or ComponentField NameAbbr NameReq'dCommentsPedigree
ComponentStandardHeaderHdrYMsgType = ADAdded FIX.4.3
568TradeRequestIDReqIDYUnique identifier for the trade request.Added FIX.4.3 Updated EP141
1003TradeIDTrdID Added EP-1
1040SecondaryTradeIDTrdID2 Added EP-1
1041FirmTradeIDFirmTrdID Added EP-1
1042SecondaryFirmTradeIDFirmTrdID2 Added EP-1
569TradeRequestTypeReqTypYAdded FIX.4.3
263SubscriptionRequestTypeSubReqTyp If the field is absent, SubscriptionRequestType(263)=0(Snapshot) will be the default.Added FIX.4.3 Updated EP141
571TradeReportIDRptID Can be used to request a specific trade report.Added FIX.4.4 Updated EP141
818SecondaryTradeReportIDRptID2 To request a specific trade reportAdded FIX.4.4 Deprecated FIX.5.0
527SecondaryExecIDExecID2 To request all trades based on secondary execution identifierAdded EP107
17ExecIDExecID Added FIX.4.3
150ExecTypeExecTyp Can be used to request all trades of a specific execution type.Added FIX.4.4 Updated EP141
37OrderIDOrdID Added FIX.4.3
11ClOrdIDClOrdID Added FIX.4.3
573MatchStatusMtchStat Added FIX.4.3
828TrdTypeTrdTyp Can be used to request all trades of a specific trade type.Added FIX.4.4 Updated EP141
829TrdSubTypeTrdSubTyp Can be used to request all trades of a specific trade sub type.Added FIX.4.4 Updated EP141
1849OffsetInstructionOfstInst Added EP141
1123TradeHandlingInstrTrdHandlInst Added EP-1
830TransferReasonTrnsfrRsn Can be used to request all trades for a specific transfer reason.Added FIX.4.4 Updated EP141
855SecondaryTrdTypeTrdTyp2 Can be used to request all trades of a specific secondary trade type.Added FIX.4.4 Updated EP141
820TradeLinkIDLinkID Can be used to request all trades of a specific trade link identifier.Added FIX.4.4 Updated EP141
880TrdMatchIDMtchID Can be used to request a trade matching a specific TrdMatchID(880).Added FIX.4.4 Updated EP141
ComponentPartiesPty Used to specify the parties for the trades to be returned (clearing firm, execution broker, trader id, etc.)
SettlementLocation - depository, CSD, or other settlement party
Added FIX.4.3
ComponentInstrumentInstrmt Added FIX.4.3 Updated EP141
ComponentInstrumentExtensionInstrmtExt Added FIX.4.4 Updated EP141
ComponentFinancingDetailsFinDetls Added FIX.4.4 Updated EP141
ComponentUndInstrmtGrpUndly Added FIX.4.4 Updated EP95
ComponentInstrmtLegGrpLeg Added FIX.4.4 Updated EP95
ComponentTrdCapDtGrpTrdCapDt Number of date ranges provided (must be 1 or 2 if specified)Added FIX.4.4
715ClearingBusinessDateBizDt Can be used to request trades for a specific clearing business date.Added FIX.4.4 Updated EP141
336TradingSessionIDSesID Can be used to request trades for a specific trading session.Added FIX.4.4 Updated EP141
625TradingSessionSubIDSesSub Can be used to request trades for a specific trading session.Added FIX.4.4 Updated EP141
943TimeBracketTmBkt Can be used to request trades within a specific time bracket.Added FIX.4.4 Updated EP141
54SideSide Can be used to request trades for a specific side of a trade.Added FIX.4.3 Updated EP141
442MultiLegReportingTypeMLegRptTyp Used to indicate if trades are to be returned for the individual legs of a multileg instrument or for the overall instrument.Added FIX.4.4
578TradeInputSourceInptSrc Can be used to requests trades that were submitted from a specific trade input source.Added FIX.4.3 Updated EP141
579TradeInputDeviceInptDev Can be used to request trades that were submitted from a specific trade input device.Added FIX.4.3 Updated EP141
725ResponseTransportTypeRspTransportTyp Added FIX.4.4 Updated EP141
726ResponseDestinationRspDest Added FIX.4.4 Updated EP141
58TextTxt Used to match specific values within Text(58) fields.Added FIX.4.3 Updated EP141
354EncodedTextLenEncTxtLen Added FIX.4.3
355EncodedTextEncTxt Added FIX.4.3
1011MessageEventSourceMsgEvtSrc Added EP-1 Updated EP141
ComponentStandardTrailerTrlrYAdded FIX.4.3