FIX.Latest_EP292 Message

MarketDataStatisticsReport [type 'DP']


The MarketDataStatisticsReport(35=DP) is used to provide unsolicited statistical information or in response to a specific request. Each report contains a set of statistics for a single entity which could be a market, a market segment, a security list or an instrument.

Pedigree Added EP191

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Field or ComponentField NameAbbr NameReq'dCommentsPedigree
ComponentStandardHeaderHdrYMsgType = DPAdded EP191
ComponentApplicationSequenceControlApplSeqCtrl Added EP191
2453MDStatisticRptIDRptIDYUnique message identifier for the report.Added EP191
2452MDStatisticReqIDReqID Unique message identifier for the request. Conditionally required if report is sent in response to a MarketDataStatisticsRequest(35=DO) message.Added EP191
2473MDStatisticRequestResultReqRslt Conditionally required if report is sent in response to a MarketDataStatisticsRequest(35=DO) message.Added EP191
325UnsolicitedIndicatorUnsol Set to 'Y' if message is sent as a result of a subscription request not a snapshot requestAdded EP191
ComponentPartiesPty Added EP191
582CustOrderCapacityCustCpcty Added EP236
75TradeDateTrdDt Added EP191
1301MarketIDMktID Added EP191
1300MarketSegmentIDMktSegID Added EP191
1396MarketSegmentDescMarketSegmentDesc Added EP191
1397EncodedMktSegmDescLenEncodedMktSegmDescLen Must be set if EncodedMktSegmDesc(1398) field is specified and must immediately precede it.Added EP191
1398EncodedMktSegmDescEncodedMktSegmDesc Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the MarketDesgmentDesc(1396) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field.Added EP191
1465SecurityListIDListID Added EP191
15CurrencyCcy Added EP236
2897CurrencyCodeSourceCcySrc Added EP273
ComponentInstrumentInstrmt Added EP191
ComponentInstrumentExtensionInstrmtExt Added EP201
ComponentFinancingDetailsFinDetls Added EP201
ComponentUndInstrmtGrpUndly Added EP191
ComponentInstrmtLegGrpLeg Added EP191
ComponentRelatedInstrumentGrpReltdInstrmt Added EP201
ComponentMDStatisticRptGrpStatsRptYSpecifies the resulting statistics information and corresponding statistical parameters.Added EP191
60TransactTimeTxnTm Time that the report was provided.Added EP191
58TextTxt Added EP191
354EncodedTextLenEncTxtLen Must be set if EncodedText(355) field is specified and must immediately precede it.Added EP191
355EncodedTextEncTxt Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text(58) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field.Added EP191
ComponentStandardTrailerTrlrYAdded EP191