FIX.Latest_EP293 Message

CollateralReport [type 'BA']


Used to report collateral status when responding to a Collateral Inquiry message.

Pedigree Added FIX.4.4

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Field or ComponentField NameAbbr NameReq'dCommentsPedigree
ComponentStandardHeaderHdrYMsgType = BAAdded FIX.4.4
908CollRptIDRptIDYUnique Identifer for collateral reportAdded FIX.4.4
909CollInquiryIDID Identifier for the collateral inquiry to which this message is a replyAdded FIX.4.4
60TransactTimeTxnTm Added EP-1
1043CollApplTypeApplTyp Differentiates collateral pledged specifically against a position from collateral pledged against an entire portfolio on a valued basis.Added EP-1
291FinancialStatusFinclStat Tells whether security has been restricted.Added EP-1
910CollStatusStatYCollateral statusAdded FIX.4.4
911TotNumReportsTotNumRpts Added FIX.4.4
912LastRptRequestedLastRptReqed Added FIX.4.4
ComponentPartiesPty Added FIX.4.4
1AccountAcct Customer AccountAdded FIX.4.4
581AccountTypeAcctTyp Type of account associated with the order (Origin)Added FIX.4.4
11ClOrdIDClOrdID Identifier of order for which collateral is requiredAdded FIX.4.4 Updated EP95
37OrderIDOrdID Identifier of order for which collateral is requiredAdded FIX.4.4 Updated EP95
198SecondaryOrderIDOrdID2 Identifier of order for which collateral is requiredAdded FIX.4.4 Updated EP95
526SecondaryClOrdIDClOrdID2 Identifier of order for which collateral is requiredAdded FIX.4.4 Updated EP95
ComponentExecCollGrpCollExc Executions for which collateral is requiredAdded FIX.4.4
ComponentTrdCollGrpTrdColl Trades for which collateral is requiredAdded FIX.4.4
ComponentInstrumentInstrmt Added FIX.4.4 Updated EP192
ComponentFinancingDetailsFinDetls Added FIX.4.4 Updated EP192
64SettlDateSettlDt Added FIX.4.4
53QuantityQty Added FIX.4.4
854QtyTypeQtyTyp Added FIX.4.4
15CurrencyCcy Added FIX.4.4
2897CurrencyCodeSourceCcySrc Added EP273
ComponentInstrmtLegGrpLeg Added FIX.4.4 Updated EP192