FIX.Latest_EP295 Message

QuoteStatusReport [type 'AI']


The quote status report message is used:

• as the response to a Quote Status Request message

• as a response to a Quote Cancel message

• as a response to a Quote Response message in a negotiation dialog (see Volume 7 – PRODUCT: FIXED INCOME and USER GROUP: EXCHANGES AND MARKETS)

Pedigree Added FIX.4.3

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Field or ComponentField NameAbbr NameReq'dCommentsPedigree
ComponentStandardHeaderHdrYMsgType = AIAdded FIX.4.3
649QuoteStatusReqIDStatReqID Added FIX.4.3
131QuoteReqIDReqID Required when quote is in response to a Quote Request messageAdded FIX.4.3
117QuoteIDQID Contains the QuoteID(117) of a single Quote(MsgType=S) or QuoteEntryID(299) of a MassQuote(MsgType=i).Added FIX.4.3 Updated EP144
390BidIDBidID Contains the BidID(390) of a single Quote(35=S).Added EP144
1867OfferIDOfrID Contains the QuoteID(1867) of a single Quote(35=S).Added EP144
1751SecondaryQuoteIDQID2 Added EP126
1166QuoteMsgIDQtMsgID Contains the QuoteMsgID(1166) of a single Quote(MsgType=S) or QuoteID(117) of a MassQuote(MsgType=i).Added EP-1 Updated EP144
693QuoteRespIDRspID Required when responding to a QuoteResponse(35=AJ) message.Added FIX.4.4 Updated EP144
537QuoteTypeTyp If not specified, the default is an indicative quote.Added FIX.4.3 Updated EP144
298QuoteCancelTypeCxlTyp Added EP-1
ComponentPartiesPty Added FIX.4.3 Updated EP144
ComponentTargetPartiesTgtPty Can be populated with the values provided on the associated QuoteStatusRequest(MsgType=A).Added EP85
336TradingSessionIDSesID Added FIX.4.3
625TradingSessionSubIDSesSub Added FIX.4.3
ComponentInstrumentInstrmt Conditionally required when reporting status of a single security quote.Added FIX.4.3 Updated EP95
ComponentFinancingDetailsFinDetls Added FIX.4.4 Updated EP144
ComponentUndInstrmtGrpUndly Added FIX.4.4 Updated EP144
54SideSide Added FIX.4.4
ComponentOrderQtyDataOrdQty Conditionally required for quotes of single instrument depending on the type of instrument when QuoteType(537)=1 (Tradeable).Added FIX.4.4 Updated EP258
63SettlTypeSettlTyp Added FIX.4.4
64SettlDateSettlDt Can be used with forex quotes to specify a specific value dateAdded FIX.4.3
193SettlDate2SettlDt2 Can be used with OrdType = Forex - Swap to specify the value date for the future portion of a F/X swap.Added FIX.4.3 Deprecated FIX.5.0
2878TerminationDateTmntnDt Added EP258
192OrderQty2Qty2 Can be used with OrdType = Forex - Swap to specify the order quantity for the future portion of a F/X swap.Added FIX.4.3 Deprecated FIX.5.0
15CurrencyCcy Can be used to specify the currency of the quoted prices. May differ from the 'normal' trading currency of the instrument being quotedAdded FIX.4.3
2897CurrencyCodeSourceCcySrc Added EP273
ComponentStipulationsStip Added FIX.4.4
1AccountAcct Added FIX.4.3
660AcctIDSourceAcctIDSrc Added FIX.4.4
581AccountTypeAcctTyp Added FIX.4.3 Updated EP144
ComponentLegQuotStatGrpQuoteStat Conditionally required for multileg quote status reports.Added FIX.4.4 Updated EP144
ComponentQuotQualGrpQuotQual Added FIX.4.4
ComponentQuoteAttributeGrpQteAttrib Added EP263
2830EventInitiatorTypeEvntInitrTyp Added EP253
2115NegotiationMethodNegottnMeth Added EP168
126ExpireTimeExpireTm Added FIX.4.4
44PricePx Added FIX.4.4
423PriceTypePxTyp Added FIX.4.4
ComponentPriceQualifierGrpPxQual Added EP230
ComponentSpreadOrBenchmarkCurveDataSprdBnchmkCurve Added FIX.4.4
ComponentYieldDataYield Added FIX.4.4
1747BidQuoteIDBidQID Added EP125
1748OfferQuoteIDOfrQID Added EP125
1745BidMDEntryIDBidMDID Added EP125
1746OfferMDEntryIDOfrMDID Added EP125
132BidPxBidPx If F/X quote, should be the all-in rate (spot rate adjusted for forward points). Note that either BidPx, OfferPx or both must be specified.Added FIX.4.3
133OfferPxOfrPx If F/X quote, should be the all-in rate (spot rate adjusted for forward points). Note that either BidPx, OfferPx or both must be specified.Added FIX.4.3
645MktBidPxMktBidPx Can be used by markets that require showing the current best bid and offerAdded FIX.4.3
646MktOfferPxMktOfrPx Can be used by markets that require showing the current best bid and offerAdded FIX.4.3
647MinBidSizeMinBidSz Used for markets that use a minimum and maximum bid size.Added FIX.4.3 Updated EP144
134BidSizeBidSz If MinBidSize(647) is specified, BidSize(134) is interpreted to contain the maximum bid size.Added FIX.4.3 Updated EP144
1749TotalBidSizeTotBidSz Added EP126
648MinOfferSizeMinOfrSz Used for markets that use a minimum and maximum offer size.Added FIX.4.3 Updated EP144
135OfferSizeOfrSz If MinOfferSize(648) is specified, OfferSize(135) is interpreted to contain the maximum offer size.Added FIX.4.3 Updated EP144
1750TotalOfferSizeTotOfrSz Added EP126
110MinQtyMinQty Added EP-1
62ValidUntilTimeValidUntilTm Added FIX.4.3
188BidSpotRateBidSpotRt Added FIX.4.3 Updated EP144
190OfferSpotRateOfrSpotRt Added FIX.4.3 Updated EP144
189BidForwardPointsBidFwdPnts Added FIX.4.3 Updated EP144
191OfferForwardPointsOfrFwdPnts Added FIX.4.3 Updated EP144
631MidPxMidPx Added FIX.4.3
632BidYieldBidYld Added FIX.4.3
633MidYieldMidYld Added FIX.4.3
634OfferYieldOfrYld Added FIX.4.3
60TransactTimeTxnTm Added FIX.4.3
ComponentTrdRegTimestampsTrdRegTS Added EP263
40OrdTypeOrdTyp Can be used to specify the type of order the quote is forAdded FIX.4.3
642BidForwardPoints2BidFwdPnts2 Bid F/X forward points of the future portion of a F/X swap quote added to spot rate. May be a negative valueAdded FIX.4.3 Deprecated FIX.5.0
643OfferForwardPoints2OfrFwdPnts2 Offer F/X forward points of the future portion of a F/X swap quote added to spot rate. May be a negative valueAdded FIX.4.3 Deprecated FIX.5.0
656SettlCurrBidFxRateSettlCurrBidFxRt Can be used when the quote is provided in a currency other than the instrument's 'normal' trading currency. Applies to all bid prices contained in this messageAdded FIX.4.3
657SettlCurrOfferFxRateSettlCurrOfrFxRt Can be used when the quote is provided in a currency other than the instrument's 'normal' trading currency. Applies to all offer prices contained in this messageAdded FIX.4.3
156SettlCurrFxRateCalcSettlCurrFxRtCalc Can be used when the quote is provided in a currency other than the instruments trading currency.Added FIX.4.3
ComponentCommissionDataComm Can be used to show the counterparty the commission associated with the transaction.Added EP204
582CustOrderCapacityCustCpcty Added FIX.4.3 Updated EP144
100ExDestinationExDest Used when routing quotes to multiple marketsAdded FIX.4.3
1133ExDestinationIDSourceExDestIDSrc Added EP-1
775BookingTypeBkngTyp Added EP78
528OrderCapacityCpcty Added EP78
529OrderRestrictionsRstctions Added EP78
1934RegulatoryReportTypeRegRptTyp Added EP261
297QuoteStatusStat Added FIX.4.3 Updated EP144
300QuoteRejectReasonRejRsn Added EP-1 Updated EP144
1328RejectTextRejTxt Reason description for rejecting the quote.Added EP134
1664EncodedRejectTextLenEncRejTxtLen Must be set if EncodedRejectText(1665) field is specified and must immediately precede it.Added EP134
1665EncodedRejectTextEncRejTxt Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the RejectText(1328) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field.Added EP134
1937TradeContinuationTrdContntn If specified, this should echo the value in the message this status message is in response to.Added EP258
2374TradeContinuationTextTrdContntnTxt Added EP258
2372EncodedTradeContinuationTextLenEncTrdContntnTextLen Must be set if EncodedTradeContinuationText(2371) field is specified and must immediately precede it.Added EP258
2371EncodedTradeContinuationTextEncTrdContntnText Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the TradeContinuationText(2374) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field.Added EP258
ComponentThrottleResponseThrttlRsp Added EP116
58TextTxt Added FIX.4.4
354EncodedTextLenEncTxtLen Added FIX.4.4
355EncodedTextEncTxt Added FIX.4.4
443StrikeTimeStrkTm Conditionally required when QuoteQual(695) = d (Deferred spot) is specified.Added EP226
ComponentStandardTrailerTrlrYAdded FIX.4.3